Top 10 Most Stupid Criminal Acts of All Time
In the world of crime, we’ve seen both brutal criminals who terrify and clever criminals who outsmart. But today, we’re diving into a different category: the top 10 most stupid criminal acts of all times. These individuals’ blunders offer a stark contrast to their more infamous counterparts.
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Bank robber caught using note with personal details on back.
Michael Harrell, a bank robber in Cleveland, handed a teller a note demanding money, which he had written on the back of a document containing his name and address from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. His identity was quickly established, and he was arrested soon after the robbery attempt.
Man stuck in chimney during burglary calls 911, gets arrested.
In 2017, a man attempting to break into a house got stuck inside the chimney and called 911 for help. When firefighters arrived and rescued him, he was subsequently arrested.
Robber caught using stolen phone to order food delivery.
An individual in Chicago was apprehended following an armed robbery. He used the stolen phone to order food, revealing his location to police. Authorities tracked him and found the stolen items, leading to his arrest.
Phone stolen in Noida; CrookCatcher app sent thieves’ selfies, location.
In Noida, India, a resident’s phone was stolen by two thieves, They failed to unlock the phone, triggering the CrookCatcher app, which sent their selfies and location to the owner. The incident was reported to the police with the captured details.
Former PM of Pakistan used 2006 documents with 2007 Calibri font.
The family of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif submitted documents from 2006 to support their innocence concerning London properties. These documents featured the Calibri font, which was publicly released in 2007, raising questions about their authenticity.
Florida couple arrested for faking lottery ticket to claim $1M.
A Florida couple was arrested for attempting to claim a $1 million lottery prize using a fake ticket. They taped two scratch-off tickets together, but the forgery was quickly detected by lottery officials. Both face felony charges for larceny and fraud.