A 39 weeks pregnant Chicago woman ran half of a marathon.

by Unbelievable Facts12 years ago
Picture A 39 weeks pregnant Chicago woman ran half of a marathon.
A 39 weeks pregnant Chicago woman ran half of a marathon, walked the rest of the half and gave birth at the end of the marathon.

39 weeks pregnant Amber Miller was expecting her second child any day, but instead of running to the hospital, she ran the Chicago marathon.

The determined athlete managed to cross the finish line in 6 hours and 25 minutes. And just a few hours after completing the 26.2-mile race on Sunday the Chicago woman gave birth to her daughter, June Audra, weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces.

As advised by doctors to run half of the marathon, and walk the other half, Miller did just that, and started feeling contradictions at the end of her walk. The determined Miller completing the 26.2-mile race crossed the finish line in 6 hours and 25 minutes. And just a few hours completing the race the Chicago woman gave birth to her daughter.

Incredibly the Chicago race was not even baby June’s first marathon —Miller also ran another marathon when she was about four months pregnant with her son, Caleb, 19 months.Despite the extra weight, the veteran runner’s time was just three hours off her personal best.

The new mother told: ‘It was the longest day of my life.

Do you really think that the efforts made by the lady were heroic or it was just a stupidity to run marathon with a baby bump?

Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture A 39 weeks pregnant Chicago woman ran half of a marathon.
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