What Is the LifeVac Choking Rescue Device? Three Lifesaving Moments with LifeVac

by Unbelievable Facts10 months ago
Picture What Is the LifeVac Choking Rescue Device? Three Lifesaving Moments with LifeVac

The LifeVac device has emerged as a crucial tool in saving lives during choking emergencies, where conventional first aid methods like back blows and abdominal thrusts have failed. Below are three compelling instances where LifeVac made a significant difference, showcasing its potential to avert tragedies.

What Is LifeVac?

LifeVac is a non-invasive, FDA and MHRA registered medical device designed to clear airway obstructions in choking emergencies when traditional first aid methods, such as back blows and abdominal thrusts, have failed. Developed with a heartfelt mission to save lives, particularly in critical choking situations where every second counts, LifeVac operates on a simple yet effective principle.

The device features a unique one-way valve system that prevents air from being forced downwards when the device is pressed against the mouth and nose of the choking victim. This design ensures that the obstruction cannot be pushed further down into the windpipe. To use LifeVac, you simply place the mask over the victim’s mouth and nose, press down to create suction, and then pull up, which helps remove the object causing the obstruction. The device is safe and effective, with a minimal duration of suction to mitigate the risk of injury during the procedure.


LifeVac is versatile and suitable for use on individuals starting at 22 pounds, making it applicable for both children and adults. It comes in various kits, including a home kit with masks for different ages and a travel bag for on-the-go protection. The product’s inventor was inspired by a tragic story of a child who died from choking, leading to the creation of this life-saving device aiming to prevent similar losses. LifeVac’s mission is not only to provide an effective emergency solution but also to ensure peace of mind, knowing that it can be used in crucial moments to save lives.

1 Mother Saves Choking Child

In December 2021, a harrowing incident that underscores the persistent risk of choking among infants and preschoolers—a leading cause of death in America—a quick-thinking mother turned a potential tragedy into a story of survival. Brittany Weir was preparing dinner when she noticed her 1-year-old son Mason acting unusually still. Sensing immediate danger, she realized Mason was choking.


Without hesitation, Weir recalled having a LifeVac device at home. She grabbed the device, rushed outside screaming for help, and applied it to Mason. The LifeVac, a device specifically designed to clear airway blockages, proved its worth by dislodging a clear plastic top from a doll’s baby bottle that had been obstructing Mason’s airway. This timely intervention highlighted not only the critical importance of having the right emergency tools at home but also the sheer quick-wittedness and composure of a mother in crisis.

2 LifeVac Device Turns Family’s Quick Action into Baby’s Lifesaving Moment


In October 2022, a family credits the LifeVac device with saving their baby from a choking emergency at home, inspired by a story they had seen on Inside Edition. The incident unfolded as Heather Perez, captured on surveillance footage, desperately called for help, reporting her infant daughter turning blue from choking. In a crucial moment, Jose Perez, the father, used the LifeVac on their daughter, positioned on the hood of their car. After three attempts with the device, the obstruction in her airway was cleared, allowing her to breathe again.

The LifeVac, which operates with a mouthpiece and plunger mechanism to remove blockages, was purchased by the parents after witnessing its effectiveness in a previous Inside Edition segment. This segment had showcased a baby being saved from choking on a pancake, thanks to a LifeVac device fetched by a bystander from his car. This story, among others featured on Inside Edition, has led to increased awareness and purchases of the LifeVac, subsequently saving lives, including that of another child mentioned by the parents.


3 Quick Action by Ohio Officer Saves Choking Toddler

In July 2023, an Ohio police officer’s decisive use of a LifeVac device heroically saved a 2-year-old child who was choking on a toy. Captured through bodycam video, the dramatic scene unfolded as the officer hurried to the family’s residence and fetched the lifesaving device from his car’s trunk. With precision, he applied the LifeVac to the toddler, successfully dislodging a 2-inch-long toy nail that had obstructed the child’s airway, thereby preventing a potential fatal incident.

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Picture What Is the LifeVac Choking Rescue Device? Three Lifesaving Moments with LifeVac
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