15 Facts that Can Save Your Life Someday

Life is a gift, it is often said. And. as we go about living our lives in our own way, we are bound to encounter situations where our lives are in danger. Most of the times it is best to scream for help, but what if help is miles away? That's when you become your own savior and save your life. Did you know that “inflammable” and “flammable” mean the same thing? The words that may sound to be opposites of each other mean the exact same thing “capable of burning.” Inflammable was used before the National Fire Protection Association urged people in the 1920s to use “flammable” instead as the negative prefix of “in” would sound confusing and may lead to misinterpretation. So. exercise caution with both “flammable” and “inflammable” things. Here are 15 more facts will help you tip the odds in favor of life if you keep in them in mind thanks to this Reddit thread.

1 If you are ever trapped on thin ice and have to get back to safety before it breaks, lie down on your stomach and slowly crawl your way back to solid ground in the same direction you came from.
The first thing to remember if you get trapped on thin ice or fall into the freezing water below is to not panic. Spread out your arms and legs in the area that is unbroken, and if you have ice picks, use them as a grip to get back up.
Then, lie down flat on your stomach and roll away in the same direction you came from as this will help to spread out the weight of your body evenly. Once you are back to safety, keep yourself warm and seek medical attention as hypothermia can be fatal. (source)
2 Most people understand flags on the seashore, but purple flags can be confusing for some. Purple flags are a warning which means that there are dangerous sea creatures in that area.

The best way to keep yourself safe from beach hazards is to keep an eye out for the flags along the shoreline. Red flags with a no-swimming symbol mean the area is closed to the public, while only red flags indicate dangerous currents.
Yellow flags depict medium risk, while green flags depict low risk from the surf and currents. Purple flags are used in combination with one of these flags. Also, the absence of flags does not mean that the area is safe for swimming. (source)
3 If you feel like puking while scuba diving, vomit into the regulator, don’t remove it from your mouth.

It is a very common thing to feel nauseous underwater. Normally, one feels nauseated while riding in the boat due to the motion, but underwater, nausea can occur due to reasons like incomplete ear equalization, vertigo, digestive problems, overeating, etc. But don't worry as your scuba gear is equipped to deal with it.
The regulator that you hold in your mouth while diving is where you must puke as it will process vomit the same way it processes exhalation. You can always press the purge button if food particles get stuck in your regulator.
Don't remove it from your mouth as that may lead to inhaling water, and that can have fatal consequences. Signal to the guide who accompanies you for help or get back to the surface. (source)
4 You can perform a Heimlich Maneuver, the famous way to deal with choking, on yourself.

What do you do if you choke on food and no one is around to help you? You can perform the famous Heimlich Maneuver on yourself. Begin with trying to cough out the choked particle, and if that doesn't work, follow these steps. Make a fist with your preferred hand and place it below your rib cage.
Then hold the fist with your other hand and drive up your fist towards your mouth pressing it against your chest as hard as you can. Next, find a stable object to lean on as you perform the Heimlich Maneuver. Keep repeating until your breathing is back to normal and the food particle is out of your mouth. (source)
5 If you ever get lost in the woods, don't move. Staying where you are is the best option as the chances of a person finding their way out on their own are slim, and it is best not to increase the range of the search area for the rescue team.

Don't move if you get lost in the middle of the forest. Not changing your location will help the search and rescue team get to you faster. Don't rely on technology, and this time, rely on common sense.
A person's judgment is often impaired due to extreme weather conditions and lack of food and water along with the sheer panic that comes with the realization of being lost. And that time, jog your memory and remember this point. Stay where you are and wait. (source)
6 When a dog wags its tail, it does not always mean that it is being friendly. It can actually be the opposite of that.

When a dog wags its tail at a higher level, it means that the dog is gearing up to threaten and attack. When the position of the tail while wagging is on lower levels, it indicates that the dog is friendly. Usually, tiny, high-speed movements mean that the dog is going to fight.
Keep that in mind the next time you see dogs wagging their tails at you and you feel like petting them. A dog wags its tail in a different rhythm, leaning to a different side (left or right), at a different angle depending upon the situation. (source)
7 It is best to sleep with the door of the room shut. If there would be a fire in your house when you were asleep, the room can be a safe zone if the door is shut.

Shutting the door of your room might be the difference between life and death according to experts. Experts from UL Fire Safety Institute conducted a demonstration where they lit a part of the house on fire and left the door of one room open and another closed. When the fire was put out, the room with the open door was completely destroyed, but the one with the closed door was almost intact. (source)