36 Movie Mistakes So Bad You Won’t Believe You Missed Them

by Shivam Khandelwal2 years ago

30 The Dark Knight: Camera and the cameraman in the reflection

The Dark Knight mistake
Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Directed by the perfectionist director Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight (2008) still has a revealing mistake. The small mistake is at nearly one hour 29 minutes when Batman interrogates the Joker by picking him up and slamming him against the wall. During this scene, the camera and cameraman can be seen in the reflection of the mirror on the right for a brief moment.

31 Iron Man 3: Incorrect IP address

Iron Man 3 mistake
Image credit: Marvel Studios

Right when Tony Stark enters a van and attempts to access videos about AIM, he opens an IP address 934.554.32.3. This number cannot exist as an IP address because the highest possible IP address is 255 and it cannot be 934 or 554. The reason for this is that it is 32 bits and after dividing it into four parts, one part will get only eight bits. Therefore, the numbers cannot exceed 255.

32 Die Hard: Bruce Wills shoes that look like bare feet

Die Hard mistake
Image credit: Silver Pictures

This revealing mistake could be seen in the action scene where John McClane runs through the glass shards in his bare feet with Han’s men shooting out the glass partitions in the partitioned room. The actor Bruce Wills is wearing special rubber shoes that look like his own bare feet. If you look closely, you can see his feet appearing unusually large in some crucial scenes revealing his special pair of shoes. (source)


33 Twilight: Boom mic’s reflection on truck window

Twilight mistake
Image credit: Summit Entertainment

The equipment boom microphone is clearly visible in the reflection of Bella’s truck as she is standing next to it. The scene is on the day after the accident happens. The boom mic is actually visible multiple times during this scene. (source)

34 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Boromir’s hand disappears from Aragorn’s shoulder

Just before Boromir dies, Aragon and Boromir are talking and Boromir’s right hand is on Aragon’s left shoulder. However, as the camera changes to Boromir’s perspective facing Aragon, his hand disappears. The mistake could be seen multiple times as the camera switches from one perspective to another.

35 Saving Private Ryan: Paratroopers wearing wrong colored jump boots

Saving Private Ryan mistake
Image credit: DreamWorks Pictures

Some of the paratroopers in Saving Private Ryan (1998) are wearing black jump boots but in World War II, all army were issued brown boots. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the army started using black leather boots. (source)

36. Oppenheimer: 1945 Flag Error

Oppenheimer: 1945 Flag Error
Image credit: Melinda Sue Gordon/Universal pictures

In the movie “Oppenheimer,” a scene set in 1945 inaccurately depicts American flags with 50 stars among a Los Alamos crowd, despite only 48 states being in the union at that time. Alaska and Hawaii were admitted in 1959, pointing to a notable historical oversight in the film’s representation of the period.

Also Read:
20 Interesting “Easter Eggs” in Famous Movies and TV Shows That Went Unnoticed

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