70 Weird Animal Facts That’ll Leave You Amazed

by Anusha MH2 years ago

Table of Contents

Due to Their Small Brains, Koalas Are Unable to Perform Complex, Unfamiliar Tasks such as Eating Leaves off of Flat Surfaces

koala bear
Koala bears have a small brain

Koalas are considered the least intelligent mammal because the volume of their brain is very small as compared to their whole body weight. So, they are not able to perform even simple tasks. Also, their brain gets affected due to the constant eating of toxic eucalyptus leaves. Their brains only take up 61% of their brain cavity, and it is pressed against the inside surface by cerebrospinal fluid.


Cheetahs Can’t Roar, so Instead they Meow Similar to House Cats

Cheetahs can just purr and not roar because their voice box structure is similar to that of domesticated cats. The divided vocal cords make them unable to roar. This fact is funny and weird too.

Snakes Suffer From Stargazing Syndrome

stargazing syndrome
Snake suffers from stargazing syndrome

Stargazing is a disorder where snakes stare upwards for long periods. Whenever a disease affects the snake’s central nervous system, the snake starts stargazing. The illness causes them to gaze in an upward direction.


Female Dragonflies Fake Their Deaths to Avoid Male Suitors

female dragonfly
Female dragonfly fake their deaths

Whenever a male dragonfly tries to approach the female ones, she will pretend to be dead to avoid sex and unwanted suitors. Moorland Hawker dragonflies are vulnerable to harassment. Since they are not always guarded by male partners, they get worried. If she encounters another male, this could damage her reproductive system. So, to avoid interaction, she just lies down motionless on her back. Seeing this, the male suitor flies away.

Lobsters Pee out of Their Faces

lobster face
Lobsters pee out of their faces

They have urine-release nozzles right under their eyes. They urinate in each other’s faces as a way of communicating, either when fighting or mating.


Crocodiles Can Climb Trees

crocodile can climb trees
A crocodile can climb trees

New research has shown that four species of crocodiles can climb trees to survey their territory. The smaller ones can climb up to higher branches, while bigger and heavier ones can only climb up to lower branches.

Some Species of Lizards Squirt Blood From Their Eyeballs

horned lizard
Horned lizard squirts blood from their eyeballs

Horned Lizards, native to the US and Mexico, shoot blood from their eyes when they are in the jaws of a predator. They squirt blood to hit their target.


Some Crows in Japan Observe Traffic Signals to Crack Nuts

Carrion crows in Japan have found some clever way to crack their nuts. They initially observe the traffic signal. Once the traffic signal turns red, they place the uncracked nut on the road. They patiently wait for the vehicle to run over the nut during the green signal. Once the signal turns red again they pick it up or place another uncracked nut.

Because of Ostrich’s Attraction Toward Humans, Farmers have a Tough Time with Breeding on Farms

Ostrich attracted to humans

According to researchgate, in the farming environment it was observed that, in the presence of human beings, courtship behavior was significant between male and female ostrich. Also, the ostriches were attracted to farmers too. But in the absence of farmers, there was a decrease in mating between ostriches. So human presence may be important for the reproductive process of ostrich.


Did You Know that Dogs Have Three Eyelids, but what Does the Third One Do?

dog third eyelid
Dogs have three eyelids

Dogs have an extra eyelid that is not visible. The third eye is called a “nictitating membrane,” which is located inside the corner of the eyes. The third eyelid ensures protection to the eyes and helps to distribute the tear film.

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Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture 70 Weird Animal Facts That’ll Leave You Amazed
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