70 Weird Animal Facts That’ll Leave You Amazed

by Anusha MH2 years ago

Table of Contents

The golden poison dart frog is said to have enough toxin to kill 10-20 men.

golden poison dart frog
Golden poison dart frog

According to Salaman, president of the nonprofit Rainforest Trust, people used to rub their darts on the back skin of these frogs. They did so to bring down their target. Some even stated that a dart fell out on humans which resulted in instant death. Research shows that the dart frog is so toxic that it could kill 13 adult humans.


Sheep Can See Behind Themselves Without Turning Their Heads

sheep can see behind themselves
Sheep can see behind

The University of California reported that the sheep have an elongated pupil that helps them to watch predators from all directions even when behind them.

Polar Bears Are Actually Black

polar bear are actually black
Polar Bears are actually black

Although polar bears look white, their fur is black in color. They get the white color because of their hollow hair structure. When the bear stands in the sun, the light bounces off their hair structure and they appear white.


The Immortal Jellyfish Is Considered Among the Few Animals on Earth that Appear to live Forever

immortal jellyfish
Immortal Jellyfish appear to live forever

The official name of the immortal jellyfish is called “Turritopsis dohrnii.” When attacked, instead of dying, they turn into tiny, bob-like caterpillars, and then go back to the polyp stage. The process behind the jellyfish’s remarkable transformation is called “transdifferentiation” and is extremely rare. Technically they regenerate which is closest to being immortal.

Lobsters Chew with Their Stomach and Taste with Their Feet

Lobsters chew with their stomach

Lobsters don’t have teeth in their mouth. Their stomach is closely located near the mouth. So they technically chew from the stomach. They use a gastric mill which is a tough plate that grinds down the food. This helps them break up their food for digestion!. Their legs have tiny little hairs that are similar to our taste buds. So they use their legs to taste the food. This sounds weird.


The First Poisonous Bird to Be Recorded Is the Hooded Pitohui, with its Feathers, Skin, and Tissues Having a Dangerous Neurotoxin called “Batrachotoxin”

hooded pitohui
First poisonous bird to be Hooded Pitohui

In the forests of New Guinea, the hooded pitohui, a dangerous bird with orange and black feathers, is laced with poison. Simply touching those feathers is enough to make your hands burn like fire. In high enough doses, such toxins can lead to paralysis and death. Also, if you ingest it, you can experience slight irritation and numbness.

Female Vampire Bats Bring Up Bloody Dinners for Their Starving Girlfriends

vampire bats
Female vampire bats bring bloody dinners

Bats are known to be hospitable creatures. These blood-sucking monsters have rare, good sharing habits and are quite social. When a bat is starved of blood for a night, its friends will throw up the food from last night’s dinner as a “food donation.” They find comfort in donating bloody food to one another.


Male Clownfish Changes Sex if Their “Wife” Dies and Mates with Male

clownfish change sex

If a male clownfish’s mate dies, he will change his sex and become a reproductive female. After turning female, she then mates with the largest sub-adult male to lay eggs. Ricardo, a marine biologist reported that because of the sex change, the same individual can have an opportunity to breed as a male and a female. The couple defends the anemone together in their own way and they both need each other to survive and reproduce.

Hummingbirds Can Fly Backward and Upside Down!

Hummingbirds can fly backward and upside down

Hummingbirds are the only birds who can fly in any direction because their wings differ from other types of birds. Their unique wings allow them to turn 180 degrees in all directions. Their incredible flying mechanism also makes them able to stop within a fraction of a second.


Kangaroos Cannot Walk Backward

kangaroos cannot walk backward

Kangaroos cannot walk or jump backward because they have large feet and a big muscular tail, which prevents them to jump or walk in the backward direction. Their muscular tail acts as a counterbalance to their front-facing movements.

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Picture 70 Weird Animal Facts That’ll Leave You Amazed
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