Earth then and now: Spectacular transformation of Earth over the years caught by NASA

by Unbelievable Facts8 years ago

9 Matterhorn Mountain  August 1960 — August 2005.
Matterhorn Mountain in the Alps
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The tenth highest mountain in Switzerland. Matterhorn with its Pyramid like peak has not proven immune to the ravages of human attention.

10 Mabira Forest, Uganda. November 2001 — January 2006.

Mabira Forest, Uganda
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There are no half measures when a man sets out on his mission.  The rainforest protected by the government has actually increased in area. One good example of preservation that paid off handsomely.

11 Toboggan Glacier, Alaska. June 1909 — September 2000.

Toboggan Glacier, Alaska.
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A glacier of ice, snow and lonely bare hillocks has become a big lake with green hillocks. The glacier has almost disappeared.


12 Great Man-Made River, Libya, April 1987 — April 2010. 

Great Man-Made River, Libya
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The greatest engineering feat devised and achieved by humans. The manmade river of pipes, wells, and aqueducts provides water for drinking and agriculture in the desert.

13 Qori Kalis Glacier, Peru. July 1978 — July 2011.

Qori Kalis Glacier
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Qori Kalis Glacier is one of the few tropical glaciers. A study in 2007 revealed that the ice has melted by almost 50% since 1963 when it was last measured.

14 Mar Chiquita Lake, Argentina. July 1998. — September 2011.

Mar Chiquita Lake, Argentina
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One among the largest saline water lake Mar Chiquita has seen a steady  decrease of its water body. Will the lake regain its water body?


15 Muir Glacier, Alaska. August 1941 — August 2004.

Muir Glacier, Alaska.
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A long stretch of hard snow has completely melted to form a lake. The land has changed from a bleak snowy region into a verdant green land with the growth of plants and outcrops in the mountains

16 Uruguay Forests, March, 1975 — February, 2009.

Uruguay Forests
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A forested area of 45,000 hectares has been expanded up to 900,000 hectares. The consequent controlled expansion has divested the forest of diverse animal and plant species.

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Picture Earth then and now: Spectacular transformation of Earth over the years caught by NASA
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