Earth then and now: Spectacular transformation of Earth over the years caught by NASA

by Unbelievable Facts9 years ago
Picture Earth then and now: Spectacular transformation of Earth over the years caught by NASA

There are some photos found on NASA's website showing the changes on earth made by human interference. The changes happened anywhere from 5 to 100 years ago. Some of the photos are shocking and others make you sad.

1 Pedersen Glacier, Alaska. Summer, 1917 â€” summer, 2005

Pedersen Glacier, Alaska
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Pederson Glacier Alaska is a barren, bleak land covered with ice and snow. But 88 years later, the same desolate land sees astounding transformations.  The land is covered with green, fresh grass. But the drastic change is seen in the mountains. While 1917 saw the mountains eclipsed in fog, 2005 clearly shows all the peaks of the mountains including what lies behind the mountain range.

2 Aral Sea, Central Asia August 2000 â€” August 2014

Aral Sea, Central Asia
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We see the devastating effects of man's hand in the shrinking levels of water in the Aral Sea. s. Once the fourth-largest lake, the Aral sea begun to dry up after its water source was diverted for other purposes.


3 Carroll Glacier, Alaska. August 1906 â€” September 2003

Carroll Glacier, Alaska
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Carroll Glacier is a 15-mile-long glacier. A placid lake extends right to the tip of a small hillock, snows cover the hills and the banks. But come 2003  the large lake has retreated to become a small stagnant pool. The snow has melted. Vegetation engulfs the rocky boulders.

4 Powell Lake, Arizona, and Utah. March 1999 â€” May 2014

Powell Lake, Arizona and Utah
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The second-largest man-made reservoir and a popular vacation spot. the unchecked withdrawal of water has shrunk the lake drastically.


5 Bear Glacier, Alaska. July 1909 â€” August 2005

Bear Glacier, Alaska
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A stark and rugged glacier of water, ice, and mountains. It has now become a major tourist spot with its scenic beauty and massive icebergs floating on the glaciers.

6 Forests in Rondonia, Brazil. June 1975 â€” August 2009

Forests in Rondonia, Brazil
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We have read about forest erosion and the effects of rampant tree felling in school but the chilling photos of Rondonia's forest bring home the stunning truth as the land once covered with thick foliage of trees are now shorn of green cover.


7 McCarty Glacier, Alaska. July, 1909 â€” August, 2004

McCarty Glacier, Alaska
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A tidewater glacier, McCarty Glacier has retreated approximately 20km between the period of the pictures.

8 The Dasht River, Pakistan, August, 1999 â€” June, 2011. 

The Dasht River, Pakistan,
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The Dasht River is prone to flooding during the rainfall. Mirani Dam built across Dasht utilizes excess water by supplying clean drinking water and power in the surrounding areas. The water is also used for irrigation purposes.

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Picture Earth then and now: Spectacular transformation of Earth over the years caught by NASA
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