15 Strangest to Cutest Cat Breeds You’ve Never Seen Before

by Purcival Fairweather8 years ago

11 Maine Coon

Maine Coon
Image source: telegraph.co.uk

The Maine Coon is one of the latest domesticated cat breeds. It’ distinctive due to its size and long hair and has valuable hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and is native to Maine. There is no documentation of the exact origins but there are several theories.

While the origins of the Maine Coon are unknown there are many folk talks that supply theories of origin. One folk tale says that before Mary Antoinette’s death she attempted to escape France loading a ship with her most prized possessions which included 6 of her favorite Turkish Anora cats. Although she never made it to the ship, the ship and her pets arrived to the United States where the cats were bred with other short-haired cat breeds.

In the late 1800s a dozen Maine Coons were entered into a Boston cat show and in May of 1895 the first North American cat show was hosted at Madison Square Garden. But then in the 20th center the introduction of other long-haired breeds like the Persian cat, the popularity of the Maine Coon declined to the point that it was declared extinct in the 1950s.

The cat was finally accepted by the CFA in 1975 and achieved championship status in 1976. Since then the popularity of that has risen and according to the CFA the Main Coon is the 3rd most popular cat breed.

The Main Coon has been the official State Cat of Maine since 1985.(source)

12 Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail
Image source: www.kurisumasu.org

The Japanese Bobtail is a rare domestic cat native to Japan and Southeast Asia with a tail that resembles the tail of a rabbit. The breed has been known in Japan for centuries and it has appeared frequently in traditional art and folklore. The cat may come in a variety of colors but predominantly-white calicoes are favored by the Japanese as they have been strongly represented in folklore.

Elizabeth Feret is the first reported person to have imported to Japanese Bobtail to the  Western world in 1968. It was accepted for Championship status in 1976 and recognition for the long haired version of the cat followed in 1993.

The Bobtail is an active breed with strong human-oriented nature. In comparison to most cats they are easier to train to perform tricks like walking on a harness and leash, and playing fetch. They are also unusually ‘talkative’ often interacting vocally with people.(source)

 13 Burmilla

Image source: kittsiespullzone

The Burmilla is a domestic cat breed crossed between the Cinchilla, Persian and Burmeese breeds. It originated in the United Kingdom in 1981 with standards being produced in 1984. By the 1990s the breed reached championship status.

It was created accidentally in 1981 when a Chinchilla Persian and a Burmese both awaiting partners of their own breeds bred after a cleaner left a door open. The result was 4 adorable kittens that became a newly recognized breed.

The Burmilla is considered part of the Asian cat breed by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy. They are medium-sized usually weighing between 3 – 6 kg. Their most notable feature are their  sparkling silver coat, and distinctive “make up” lining the nose, lips and eyes.(source)


14 Munchkin

Munchkin cat
Image source: animalia-life.com

The Munchkin is a newer cat breed with short legs due to a genetic mutation. Concerns for the cats health and mobility issues caused controversy when it was officially recognized by the International Cat Association in 1995.

Since the 1940s there has been many documentations of short-legged cats. A report in 1944 noted several generations of healthy short-legged cats that were similar to other breeds. After World War II the short-legged cat disappeared but others were spotted in Russia during the 50s and in the United States in the 70s. The cat made its public debut in 1991 on network television on a cat show held at Madison Square Garden by The International Cat Association and it made Championship status in May 2003.

The Munchkin cat is sweet, playful, people-orintated that enjoys being handled. The shortness of their legs do not effect their agility. They usually weigh 6 to 9 pounds (3 to 4 kg) and their hind legs tend to be a bit longer than their front legs.(source)

15 Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold
Image source: fofuxo.com.br

The Scottish fold is a domestic cat with a dominant-gene that gives the cat an owl-like appearance. Originally named after the lop-eared rabbit the breed’s name was changed to Scottish Fold in 1966. Other names include: Highland Fold, Scottish Fold Longhair, Longhair Fold and Coupari.

The first Scottish Fold was found on a farm in Perthshire, Scotland in 1961. The cat’s hairs had a fold in the middle making her resemble an owl. After the cat Susie gave both to 2 kittens with similar ears, cat-fancier William Ross registered the breed with the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in Great Britain.

Scottish Fold kittens cost more than kittens of other breeds do to their rare distinctive physical trays and their reputation as loving companions that become attached to their owners. They are affectionate and playful and groom themselves well.(source)

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Picture 15 Strangest to Cutest Cat Breeds You’ve Never Seen Before
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