Bruce Lee Facts that Prove Why he Will Never be Replaced

Unless you were born yesterday or have been living under a rock, you will likely know of Bruce Lee and his extraordinary exploits. He was a master Kung Fu practitioner and is still widely regarded as the best martial artist of all time. Sadly, he only lived to be 32, after dying from an allergic reaction to the painkiller “Equagesic” in 1973. However, during his short time on Earth, he created an immortal legend.
11 Bruce Lee’s films earned massively against relatively small budgets.
Bruce Lee’s films collectively grossed $741 million, amounting to $4 billion when adjusted for inflation, all produced on a modest combined budget of $2 million.
10 Bruce Lee had the ability to replace a dime on someone’s palm with a penny before they could close it.

9 The picture below shows Bruce Lee performing the “Dragon Flag“. A position he could reportedly hold for more than 30 minutes.

8 Film directors had to shoot Bruce Lee’s fight scenes at 32 frames per second instead of the usual 24 because he was so fast and to make them seem more realistic!

7 It was determined that Bruce Lee’s speed of reacting and punch from a distance of three feet away was five-hundredths of a second.

6 Bruce Lee once kicked a man so hard he broke the arm of the person behind him as he fell into him.

During an interview with Bob Wall (a close friend and colleague of Bruce Lee’s), he admitted that during a fight scene he got kicked so hard by Bruce, that he fell into a man standing behind him and broke his arm. Bob said he didn’t mind being hit so hard and which was perhaps the main reason he starred in three of Bruce Lee’s films. (source)