The Camera Of A World War II Soldier Was Found 70 Years Later. What They Found On It, Is Interesting!

by Unbelievable Facts10 years ago
Picture The Camera Of A World War II Soldier Was Found 70 Years Later. What They Found On It, Is Interesting!

Captain Mark D. Anderson, United States Navy and Jean Muller, a historian were alerted to something below their feet while searching for artifacts in the Luxembourg mountainsides from the battle of the bulge. They found a foxhole dug during the World War II battle and inside were the belongings of Technician Fifth Grade Louis J. Archambeau, an American soldier. Among Archambeau belonging’s was a camera that had an undeveloped film. Muller and Anderson developed the film, 70 years later, and brought back to life photographs that tell the story of a dead soldier.

The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos:

The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos

The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos

The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos

The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos

The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos The camera that contained a partially-exposed film found by Captain Mark Anderson and historian Jean Muller.
The World War II story as told by Archambeaus very own photos

All the images are taken from reddit

The Battle of the Bulge resulted in more American casualties than any other battle in World War II. Spanning December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945, roughly 19,000 American soldiers lost their lives. However, the battle was an even bigger blow to the Germans, who lost much of their war resources.

[IMPORTANT NOTE: 70-Year-Old WWII Foxhole Photos Turn Out to Be a Hoax,  Check more info here:]

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Picture The Camera Of A World War II Soldier Was Found 70 Years Later. What They Found On It, Is Interesting!
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