25 Gut-Wrenching Pictures of World War II which prove that war is hell!

World War II is one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of mankind. The brutal war took lives of more than 60 million people. World War II came almost on the heel of World War I with just two decades separating them. But World War II was far more widespread involving more than 30 countries. The resulting loss of lives is estimated to be more than 60 million deaths (including the military and civilian lives). The war begun when Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 forcing other European countries to join in the fray. The deadly war would go on for six years finally culminating in the victory of Soviet Union, USA, England and China, the main Allied forces over Germany, Italy and Japan, the Axis forces in 1945.
These 25 pictures provide window to the past. A past rife with death, bloodshed and bravery.
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This article contains graphic content that can shock, disturb and/or offend you. Reader’s discretion is advised.
1 A Russian BT-2 tank and its crew. The photo was taken in July 1941.
2 Picture of a German soldier clicked exactly at the same moment he was struck by a bullet.

3. The Russians counterattacked the Germans in Moscow pushing them back by 100-200kms. It was the first major setback for Germany and one of the bloodiest battles to this date.

4. Hitler decided to besiege Leningrad and starve it to death. As a result, 600,000 – 1,000,000 civilians starved to death. People ate everything they could find – dogs,cats, horses, birds and rats in the city. They even resorted to cannibalism. Hunger was especially tough on children who simply dropped dead from prolonged starvation.

5 Veteran Artillerymen of the ‘C’ Battery, 90th Field Artillery lay down a murderous barrage on Japanese artillery positions in Balete Pass, Luzon, Philippine Islands.

6 After the attack on terra firma, the Germans conduct aerial bombardment on Moscow in 1941.

7 The battle of Tarawa took place between the Americans, the Japanese and the Koreans. 6,400 lives were lost in the battle that raged for three days. This picture of second day’s battle.

8 The crew of U.S. light tanks awaiting orders to clean up the hidden and scattered Nazi machine gun nests in Coburg,Germany on April 25, 1945.