A Man’s Wife Was Diagnosed With Cancer, So He Photographed The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures

by Unbelievable Facts11 years ago
Picture A Man’s Wife Was Diagnosed With Cancer, So He Photographed The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures

Photos can express much more than what words can say as the saying goes ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. Here is a series of photos of Jennifer, 40 who battled cancer and lost her life to it. These photographs were taken by her photographer husband Angelo Merendino who has captured her heroic battle and their story of love and loss.

The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO

It was love at first site for Angelo when he met Jennifer. He proposed to her and they soon got married. He was happy to marry the woman of his dreams.But his happiness was short lived when Jennifer was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. He then decided to document Jennifer’s battle with cancer through intimate photos.

The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO
The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
Image courtesy: ANGELO MERENDINO

Although their story does not have a happy ending, Jen’s brave fight will surely inspire those suffering from this life threatening disease. Angelo has complied these images into a book entitled, The Battle We Didn’t Choose: My Wife’s Fight With Breast Cancer. Fifty percent of the sales go to a non-profit organization named The Love You Share, that he has started to financially assist women who undergo treatment for breast cancer.
[pull_quote_center]Angelo explains:My photographs show this daily life. They humanize the face of cancer, on the face of my wife. They show the challenge, difficulty, fear, sadness and loneliness that we faced, that Jennifer faced, as she battled this disease. Most important of all, they show our Love. These photographs do not define us, but they are us.[/pull_quote_center] [visit his website: www.mywifesfightwithbreastcancer.com]

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Picture A Man’s Wife Was Diagnosed With Cancer, So He Photographed The Entire Battle In Unforgettable Pictures
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