Is Hulk, the 175-pound, Gigantic Family Dog, the Largest Pit Bull Alive?

News about the incredible Hulk, supposedly the world's largest pit bull, went viral on social media a few years back, when his owner, Marlon Grennan, who runs a dog training, and a breeding operation called Dark Dynasty K9s, introduced him to the world.
Hulk, weighing a massive 175 lbs., became famous overnight. But photos and videos of Hulk also received mixed reactions and controversy, sparking a debate on the safety and ethics of backyard breeding. Is Hulk, the gigantic pit bull, a product of a money-minting business of breeding big and aggressive dogs; or is he an example of a properly trained breed that can protect, serve, and be a part of an amazing family who loves him?
Opinions are divided, and you must read more to learn both sides of the story!
How did Hulk, the 175-pound pit bull become so gigantic?
The owner of the Dark Dynasty K9s said that they breed and train the “biggest, and the baddest dogs in the world.” Dark Dynasty K9s, apart from being a professional dog-training business, also runs a breeding kennel to specifically breed terrifyingly large dogs.

Grennan claims that Hulk is one of the world’s three largest pit bulls. He is a crossbreed between an American pit bull and an English bulldog. Both are very large dog breeds. Hulk's size is due to a combination of his genes and diet, and almost nothing much to do with his lineage. Hulk consumes 3lbs of ground chicken daily, along with special supplements.

Pit bulls usually have big bones as they are supposed to be big. But pit bulls are usually 30-60 pounds, and Hulk is almost four times that weight, which is not healthy for any pit bull, according to veterinarians. It shortens their lifespans, interferes with their agility, and stresses their joints.
Are pit bulls like Hulk dangerous?

Pit bulls, because of their size and fearlessness have the reputation of being dangerous dogs and not a family fit. But Hulk's owner, Marlon Grennan, says that with proper training and discipline, pit bulls and their owners can have a very healthy relationship.

Back in 2015, Hulk won the hearts of the Internet through a YouTube video where he is enjoying family snuggles, belly rubs, and even giving the owner's three-year-old son a back ride! Marlon says that because of his proper guard-dog training, he trusts Hulk completely. He is trained and taught to attack and release on command, attack would-be assailants in and on cars, and be cautious around loud noise.

Marlon’s wife, Lisa, trusts Hulk completely. She says he is also balanced, lovable, and a fantastic family dog who she feels safe with. With their kids too, he is a big softy, who loves and protects. Marlon advocates for pit bull’s welfare, and says that his organization promotes proper training and discipline so that pit bulls are not misunderstood as dangerous dogs anymore.
Hulk's price tag of $20,000 has raised eyebrows!

The news of Hulk, the gigantic pit bull, created a stir on social media. But it also ignited a controversy regarding the morals of breeding dogs specifically to be large and aggressive. Dark Dynasty K9s has charged $20,000 for breeding Hulk. Can you imagine someone willing to pay for a puppy, just because he/she has the probability to become as big as Hulk?

When Hulk's litter was born, Marlon stated that it was the most valuable litter they have had so far, and if all of them become trained as protection dogs they could be worth more than half a million dollars.

As per animal rescuers, Hulk’s story is problematic not just because of his linear breeding, and subsequent consequences on his lineage, but also because of the way Hulk, and other dogs like him are advertised on Dark Dynasty K9s. Shock collars, choke chains, and restraints are used to make these “designer dogs” the “best security dogs” for the uber-rich and famous clientele. This outrageous price for impregnation has also raised other concerns. People wanting pit bulls are being encouraged to bypass the shelters, already overcrowded with abandoned pit bulls. Instead, they buy from dog-breeding businesses, paying a hefty sum, while more and more dogs get euthanized every year!

The story of pit bulls often ends in neglect and abuse if they are acquired by irresponsible owners who want large, aggressive dogs as status symbols, for dog fighting, or just for protection. Dog breeding companies like Dark Dynasty K9s, even with good intentions, often become the source and reason that old, frail pit bulls end up in shelters waiting to get euthanized!