30 Unusual Things that Exist in Japan

by Neha Bansal2 years ago

21 Ashi-yu , or free foot baths, are provided in public places to relax your feet.

An ashi-yu foot spa at Kagoshima Airport in Japan. Image credit: Damepo via Wikimedia.org

In Japan, it is not unusual to find free public foot baths, known as “ashi-yu,” filled with natural hot springs water to rest tired feet or to just warm up cold feet. All you need to do is to remove your footwear, soak in your feet, and relax! Remember that these foot baths do not have a provision of towels, so you need to carry your own. (source)

22 Super-speedy bullet train cleaning that happens only in Japan.

Japan’s celebrated bullet trains are not only punctual and super fast, but they also cleaned super fast. These bullet trains are miraculously cleaned, sanitized, and prepped for the next batch of passengers in all of seven minutes by a crew of dedicated workers. It is tough to imagine this feat in any other country, but in Japan, anything is possible! (source)

23 Cuddle cafes are everywhere in Japan for a quick cuddle with a partner or a friend.

Cuddle Cafe
Japanese ‘Cuddle Cafe’ gives customers hugs, lap pillows for a fee. Image credit: ungeek.ph

Considering the past-faced and hectic lives of the Japanese people, they have come up with cuddle cafes to allow people a quick cuddle and recharging option. These cafes allow people to get a quick cuddle or nap with a pretty girl they offer if they are feeling low, exhausted, overwhelmed, sad, or just plain bored.

The patrons are not allowed to have sex with the girl, the concept is just for a relaxing nap or cuddle. They also give them the option of choosing a pretty girl from the ones available with them for a bigger fee. This is a very energizing concept and gives some people a much-needed dose of oxytocin in between hectic work. (source)


24 Super-punctual public transportation in which the train authorities apologize to the passengers if the train is late by even one minute.

Public transportation
Image is used for representational purposes only. Image credit: Karolis Kavolelis/Shutterstock

The Japanese people give a lot of importance to time and punctuality. This puts a lot of pressure on public transportation to always be on time and never make people late. It is a rare occurrence and a huge deal in Japan if the subway is running late. So much so, that the authorities personally apologize to the passengers if the train is late even by a minute. (source)

25 (Almost) no trash cans can be found on the streets.

Trash Cans
Trash cans at convenient store. Image credit: happycreator/Shutterstock

This might sound very impractical, but in Japan, there are almost no trash cans on the streets. It is quite a hassle to trash your wrappers and empty bottles in Japan. Public waste bins were largely removed from the cities after the 1995 sarin gas attacks to enable the people to adopt a very disciplined waste disposal technique. They have a habit of collecting their trash and disposing of it only in the few available garbage bins. (source)


26 Luxurious fruits of over $100 can be found in supermarkets.

Luxurious fruits
View of expensive musk melon fruit with perfect shapes for sale in a Japanese department store. Image credit: EQRoy/Shutterstock

Fruits in Japan can be very costly because they value a farmer’s dedication. Each and every fruit that makes its way to the supermarket is perfect in appearance, leading to a good amount of wastage. A melon can cost $200, and you may have to pay $5,000 for a pair of mangoes.  Fruits are presented as gifts in Japanese culture. This tradition dates back to historic times when beautiful fruits were gifted to aristocratic warriors. Since the Japanese value their culture and tradition, this age-old tradition carries on today. (source)

27 Japan saves millions of liters of water every year by installing the hand-wash sink on the toilets.

Sink on Toilet
Image credit: Shutterstock

In many Japanese toilets, you may find a hand-wash sink attached next to the toilet. The used water is then used for the next flush. This way, Japan saves millions of liters of water every year. (source)


28 There is a Rabbit Island in Japan

Rabbit Island
Okunoshima Island in Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan is famous as Rabbit Island. Image credit: Shutterstock

Do you love bunnies? Would you love to be surrounded by playful little rabbits all around you? Well, there is one such place in Japan known as “Okunoshima” or the “Rabbit Island .” Okunoshima is a small island in Japan.

Back in 1929, the Imperial Japanese Army Institute of Science and Technology began a secret program to develop chemical weapons and poisonous gasses. Rabbits were brought to the island to test the effectiveness of the gas. Today, these rabbits that roam around the island are the descendants of the original ones. (source)

29 Weird game shows are common in Japan.

Weird game shows
Candy or not candy. Image credit: thecut.com

The Japanese take their entertainment to a different level, too! There are many weird, unique and scary game shows here. Some require contestants to bite into a room full of disgusting things just to find out if they are made of chocolate or not, while some put contestants in scary situations, having them perform unimaginable physical tasks. (source)


30 Octopus-flavored ice cream is a delicacy here.

Octopus flavor ice-cream
Image credit: alux.com

Well, chili ice cream was weird in a way, but octopus ice cream! This flavor is quite famous in this seafood-loving country. For others, it might even sound strange and unpalatable, let alone tasting it! (source)

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