10 Random but Not-So-Fun Facts
Did you know human teeth have 36 calories? Now I have the perfect excuse for grinding my teeth when Iâm anxious. Iâm just consuming some calories. Here are ten not-so-fun facts that might make you cringe a little.
1 Bunnies eat their own poop.
Rabbits are foraging herbivores, consuming plants, leaves, and grass, which are fibrous and cellulose-rich in nature. This diet is not the easiest to digest, and by the time it makes it through their intestines, it still contains essential nutrients that bunnies need.
Rabbits produce two types of fecal pellets, a hard and a soft one. The softer pellets contain less-digested matter and also provide a source of crucial intestinal bacterial flora, which aids metabolism. These softer pellets, also known as “cecotropes,” are then ingested again to extract further nutrients. This process is known as “coprophagy” or “coprophagia.” It allows these animals to extract nutrients that they would have missed during the first passage through their intestine, and also the nutrients formed by the microbial activity. It also helps rabbits gain weight and strength. (source)
2 Only one in every 1,000 sea turtles born ever make it to adulthood.
Each year thousands of hatchlings emerge from their nests and enter the ocean, but sadly, only one in 1,000 to 10,000 of them ever survive to adulthood. Raccoons, foxes, and seabirds may raid their nests, or the hatchlings may even be eaten within minutes of hatching when they make their initial run for the ocean. If, by chance, they survive to reach the water, they are vulnerable to large fish and even other sea turtles. These natural threats, however, are not the only reasons sea turtle populations have plummeted toward extinction.
Light pollution from the city lights causes a threat to baby sea turtles as it causes them to head into the traffic instead of the ocean. Hatchlings often follow the brightest horizon to reach the sea, but the presence of bright city lights can disorient them. Poaching and marine debris is also another major threat to sea turtles. Baby turtles are not too selective about what they eat and may feed on plastics. Since these animals canât regurgitate, whatever they eat is on a one-way trip and might cause the plastic to get trapped, causing a blockage that will lead to death. Eating plastic is not the only problem. A study last year showed that discarded fishing lines, gears, diving equipment, and other debris cause the turtles to get tangled up and drown. (source)
3 Scallops have eyes.
Scallops are marine bivalve mollusks that belong to the family of Pectinidae. They are a family of cosmopolitan bivalves, which means they are found in all of the world’s oceans, although never in freshwater. You might have seen one of them on the beach, or if you watched The Little Mermaid, you might remember her purple scallop-shell top.
Unlike most bivalves, scallops contain a varying amount of simple eyes situated along the edge of their mantle and also have a well-developed nervous system. They have anywhere up to 200 eyes that line their mantle. These eyes are a brilliant blue color. While they cannot make out exact shapes, they allow the scallop to detect light, shadow, and motion. They use their retinas to focus light, similar to the cornea in human eyes. (source)
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