A Chinese Man Gains 100 Kilograms During a Five-Month Lockdown Making Him the Fattest Person in Wuhan, China

by Harshatha Raja5 years ago
Picture A Chinese Man Gains 100 Kilograms During a Five-Month Lockdown Making Him the Fattest Person in Wuhan, China

One of our biggest nemesis during this lockdown period is gaining weight. Since we are usually sitting around without any day-to-day physical activity like going out for jogs or just walking back home from work, we tend to worry about a weight gain. Always munching on snacks while binge-watching shows also does not help us regulate our calorie intake. Imagine if you gained 100 kilograms during this lockdown period. That is exactly what Zhou, a Chinese man, experienced.

Zhou, a 26-year-old Chinese man gained 100 kilograms during a five-month lockdown, making him the fattest person in Wuhan.

Image credit: Weibo

Zhou, a 26-year-old Chinese man weighed over 100 kilograms even before the Covid-19 pandemic. When his normal lifestyle of working in an internet café was affected due to the lockdown, he resorted to staying indoors and eventually lost control of his weight. Unable to burn off any calories due to the lack of physical activity, he gained an extra 100 kilograms during the period. He now weighs up to 280 kilograms, making him the fattest person in Wuhan.


Zhou was admitted to Wuhan University Central South Hospital on June 1st after his weight gain made him too uncomfortable.

Zhou at Wuhan University Central South Hospital
Image credit: Weibo

Zhou, unable to sleep comfortably anymore due to his massive weight, finally resorted to medical assistance. He tried contacting many hospitals, but all of them refused to take his case due to his extreme weight. He finally contacted Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University and fortunately, they agreed. A team of medical staff and ambulance were sent to his house, and after a big struggle, they got Zhou out of his house and into an ambulance. The doctors tried to stabilize him for 10 days and finally, on June 11th, he was declared stable and out of immediate danger.


“Doctor, I haven’t closed my eyes for 48 hours. It’s so uncomfortable. Can you help me?”

Chinese Man Gains 100 Kilograms
Image credit: Weibo

“Doctor, I haven’t closed my eyes for 48 hours. It’s so uncomfortable. Can you help me?” Zhou allegedly asked Dr. Li Zhen, the deputy director of the Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Center of the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University.

Zhou was admitted to the ICU where all the initial tests were taken. The test results revealed symptoms such as heart failure and respiratory dysfunction. Due to his extreme size, other necessary tests like blood pressure and EEG were difficult to conduct.


Dr. Li Zhen said that the patient’s obesity was caused by genetic factors and endocrine abnormalities intensified by his inactivity and increased calorie intake during Wuhan’s five-month lockdown. The hospital team is hopeful that Zhou will be able to lose at least 25 kilograms, so he can safely undergo a gastric bypass or stomach-reduction surgery to help him shed some of the excess weight.

As many of us are stuck in lockdown at the moment, let’s not forget our body requires exercise to keep ourselves fit and healthy. Stay home, stay healthy.

(sources: 1,2,3)

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Picture A Chinese Man Gains 100 Kilograms During a Five-Month Lockdown Making Him the Fattest Person in Wuhan, China
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