Get ready to discover some fascinating facts about the animal kingdom! From unique tree-dwelling kangaroos to impressive deep-sea creatures, we’ve compiled a list of incredible tidbits that will amaze you. Join us as we explore the extraordinary world of animals!
1 There exists a species of Kangaroo that lives in the trees. Known as Tree Kangaroos or Matischie Tree kangaroos, they are restricted to Papua, Papua New Guinea, and Australia.
The endangered Tree kangaroo is restricted to the rain forests of West Papua, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. Matschie lives in mountainous rainforests at elevations of up to 3,350 meters. The tree kangaroos do not sweat! They lick their forearms and allow the evaporation to cool their body.
The Matschie tree kangaroo can leap 18 meters (60 feet) to the ground from trees without getting injured. (source)
2 “Devil worm” – A new species of nematode lives 2.2 miles below the surface of the earth.Image Courtesy: GAETAN BORGONIE, UNIVERSITY GHENT
Devil worm is a new nematode species. They were found in a gold mine at depths of 2.2 miles. Scientists previously believed that only microbes lived in those depths. The Isotope dating of the water hosting these microorganisms revealed that the nematodes were 3000 to 12,000 years old.
The deep-living organism can withstand high heat and extreme pressures. (source)
3The Aquatic Sea Anemone resembles a flower. But they are a carnivorous animal that feeds on small fish and shrimp.Image source:
Sea anemones are water animals. They look like anemone flowers hence the name sea anemone. Sea anemones are related to corals, Jellyfish, and hydra.
The sea anemone does not have a mouth or anus. Instead, a gastrovascular cavity serves as the stomach with an opening to the outside. This opening acts as a mouth and anus. (source)
4 Birds and mammals avoid pylons or high-voltage power lines because they are terrified of ultraviolet flashes. These flashes are invisible to human eyes.Image source:
Scientists have found that mammals and birds avoid the pylons because they see them as a row of flashing lights. The regular flash of lights is not visible to human eyes. But the animals are able to see the ultraviolet and are terrified by it. (source)
5 Blue whales’ vocalizations are the loudest sound made by any animal. Blue whale sounds can be heard at a distance of 800 km (500 mi).Image source: Wikipedia commons
The Blue whales communicate regularly by sound. Sound travels better in water than in air. Divers have reported that the vocalization of blue whales can be âfeltâ more than heard. They make a deep, low-pitched sound that can be heard at a distance of over 500 miles. The low-pitched rumbling has been recorded as high as 188 decibels at one mile away from the source of the sound. (source)
6 Kiwis are the smallest ratite. However, female Kiwis lay the largest egg in relation to their body size of any bird in the world. Image source: imgur
Kiwis are the smallest living ratites. DNA comparisons show that the Kiwis are closely related to the now-extinct Malagasy Elephant birds. Kiwis are the only bird to have nostrils at the end of their long beak.
They also have the largest egg-to-body ratio. The egg averages 15% of the femaleâs body weight in comparison to the ostrich, which averages 2%. (source)