25 Random Fun Facts That Sound Too Funny To Be Real

by Unbelievable Facts8 years ago

10 Global warming “solved” a land dispute between India and Bangladesh. The island in dispute got submerged in water.

Random Fun Facts, Moore Island submerged in water
Image source: assets.nydailynews.com

A tiny island, named New Moore Island on the Bay of Bengal, had been a disputed territory between India and Bangladesh for thirty years. However, due to the rising sea levels because of global warming, the sea level rose at the rate of 0.2 inches annually. The island was eventually completely submerged in water thereby settling the dispute once and for all.(source)

9 Phrases like “long time no see” and “chop chop” are grammatically incorrect; Most say they originated from Chinese immigrants and were used by English speakers to mimick them.

Random Fun Facts, Origin of Long Time No See
Image source: www.theworldofchinese.com

The popularly used English phrases “long time no see” and “chop chop” seem to have been borrowed, or even originated, from Chinese immigrants because they are grammatically incorrect. While “Chop, chop” has its origins in the Cantonese word gāp (急) which also means “quickly”, the origin for “long time no see” has been highly controversial with some suggesting that it is derived from the Mandarin phrase hǎojiǔ bùjiàn (好久不见), which literally means “very long no see.” Others believe that it has its roots in Native American linguistics.(source)

8 Australian wallabies have been getting stoned after eating opium seeds and they keep running in circular motion creating crop circles.

Wallaby crop circles
Image source

In Tasmania, Australia, wallabies have been constantly getting high after ingesting poppy seeds from the opium fields which are used to produce medicines. After getting stoned, these wallabies have been known to run in circular patterns creating crop circles, until they crash. This was determined by examining the differences in the crops within the circle and outside of it.(source)


7 John Dillinger, a famous American gangster, escaped prison by brandishing a phony gun. The FBI also spent much more money to catch him than he ever stole.

Random Fun Facts, Dillinger Escapes From Prison With a Phony Gun
Image source: cdn.history.com

John Dillinger was a famous American Gangster who, after getting caught in January 1934 in Arizona and then transferred to Indiana, escaped from his main cellblock by flourishing a phony gun. It was later found out that this fake gun had been given to him by an accomplice and was made from wood, a razor handle, and a coat of black shoe polish. With its help, Dillinger was able to round up several guards until he got a Thompson submachine gun. Then took the sheriff’s car and escaped. The FBI spent around $2 million for his manhunt, whereas Dillinger’s total stolen loot only amounted to around $500,000.(source)

6 A book titled EVERYTHING MEN KNOW ABOUT WOMEN has over one-hundred blank pages and it has sold over a million copies.

Random Fun Facts, Book with 100 blank pages
Image source: i.imgur.com

There’s an actual book with the title EVERYTHING MEN KNOW ABOUT WOMEN that has one-hundred blank pages. Psychologist Dr. Alan Francis is the supposed writer of this book, and another catch here is that Dr. Alan Francis is a pseudo-name for Cindy Cashman, an author, entrepreneur, businesswoman, and public speaker. What she is trying to say through this book is that men know nothing about women. The book has sold over a million copies.(source)

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Picture 25 Random Fun Facts That Sound Too Funny To Be Real
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