What would you do upon finding a Mysterious Box in a dumpster? Most of the people would say that they would leave it as such and walk away, but, for the prying and inquisitive souls, even such finding(s) can trigger enormous interest that leads to insatiable engrossment with the mystifying object (even if it is just a Mysterious box in a dumpster).
One such nosy soul with “Reddit” name as “TramStopDan” (Daniel Christiansen) has been garnering tremendous attention after he posted the news of finding, an otherwise innocuous looking box from the dumpster outside his building. Other reports suggest that it was his friend who first noticed the box but “TramStopDan“ was the one to open it since the wooden case was locked. Upon unlocking the 29â³ x 38â³ structure, he posted images of the contents he found inside the box on his Reddit account and those visuals have taken the Internet world by storm. The mass frenzy over the Internet almost resembles like the outcome of a hypothetical event in which our alien overlords have sounded a clarion for the remake of Independence Day with them emerging as the winners after using an anti-virus but the “People of the Internet” crying hoax and demanding for a rematch.
Moving forward, such has been the intensifying aura of the box that it has acquired the sort-of-catchy title âThe Box of Crazyâ (and also âThe Ezekiel Boxâ), as if the person behind it was simply a nutter with a fixation on Ezekiel (which is explicitly referenced a number of times). “Ezekiel” meaning “May God strengthen him”, “God will strengthen” and so figuratively” The Almighty” is the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible. To quote Wikipedia here – “In Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Bahá’à Faith, Ezekiel is acknowledged as a Hebrew prophet. In Judaism and Christianity, he is also viewed as the author of the Book of Ezekiel that reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem, the restoration to the land of Israel and the Millennial Temple visions, or the Third Temple.”
So what exactly was found within the Mysterious Box? Look for yourself:
This was the oddly-shaped, wooden box recovered from the dumpster. As seen in the picture above, it looks handmade, fit with hinges, a handle and a pair of locks.
Now let’s begin to explore what was stuffed inside this box:Image source: humansarefree.com
The following notes seem to mention the encounters with UFO sightings in St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and, as per the content of the notes, the author possessed UFO pictures as well, albeit those were missing from the box.
The verbosity of the contents within the aforementioned notes imply that the author was well-versed with information about the observation that was being described and with the city in which the event(s) took place.
Apart from the notes, some biblical quotations and descriptions along with extraterrestrial information was also present. The periodic table shown in the above picture looks like an odd-fit in the scheme of things or perhaps seems like one part of a largely unsolved riddle. There were patent files and detailed technical drawings present within the box as shown below. The patents, upon investigation, appeared to not have been filed with the United States Patent Office. The drawing were dated back to 1939. Considering the intricacies in the details, the immaculate scrutiny of the functionality of the individual units and the year in which all of these were carved out, one begs to wonder why someone would discard all of this information.
Besides the notes and drawings, there are maps present as well. The pictures below depict the airline travel routes on a map. ‘Strange’ might feel like an understatement by now.
The description on the below picture reads like a manual involving certain steps to perform an operation:Image source: www.sliptalk.comImage source: www.sliptalk.com
If you did not notice at first, all the maps shown above have a center point with a hole, as if they are all connected to some unidentified nucleus or perhaps they all line up on something.
The article also displays images pertaining some “extraterrestrial” event that apparently took place in Tampa, FL in 1977.
As evident from the picture above, a vortex of energy is being shot towards the alien crafts and the sky from the building’s top. Surrounding the base of the vortex, there are two smaller objects that can be decoded as alien drones, next to a couple of winged extraterrestrials that have been illustrated in the following images:
The picture above represents flying saucers with two-winged extraterrestrial beings that have also been confused with angels. However, angels and flying saucers in a same picture does add a certain amount of zinger to it, doesn’t it?
A slight summary of the events has apparently been described in the below picture:Image source: i.imgur.com
Related geometric shapes:Image source: i.imgur.com
Another drawing that looks like a figure straight out of the Biblical book of Ezekiel:Image source: i.imgur.com
A different view of one of the patent drawings:Image source: www.gosocial.co
This drawing seems to have been inspired from the train drawings he drew earlier:Image source: www.gosocial.co
Some more thought-provoking diagrams that look more arduous to decipher than to draw:Image source: www.gosocial.coImage source: www.gosocial.co
The below images signify that the author either was insanely fixated on what he saw and perceived or he was extremely delirious:Image source: i.imgur.comImage source: i.imgur.com
But not everything can be hidden from the Internet, can it? Some of the background details of Mr. Christiansen’s have sprung up that put some light on his life prior to him becoming an “accidental sensation”- “he was born in 1927 in Skodsborg, Denmark but his residence is listed as “Helsinger”. His final destination on his arrival form in 1927 is listed as Henryville, PA. From 1924 to 1929 Henryville was the location of the Pocono People’s College. When the college closed due to the stock market crash in 1929, Daniel moved to Newark, New Jersey and found work. First as a mechanic in an automobile factory and later as a carpenter working in furniture repair. He lived in Newark until at least 1942 when he entered the Army. Nobody knows what Daniel did in the years immediately following WWII. The next time he pops up in records is in 1953 when he married Anastasia Harjaks, an Estonian immigrant, in Palm Beach, Florida”.
So what do you think about the Mysterious Box and its enclosed contents? Samples of pure artistic genius? or, Images in the mind of a hysterical person? or, Proof of an event that may have occurred but, one that got dissolved in the time swamp? (Source)