These 27 Famous Movie Facts Will Have You Thinking Twice The Next Time You Watch Them!

by Tony Hayes9 years ago
Picture These 27 Famous Movie Facts Will Have You Thinking Twice The Next Time You Watch Them!

There is a lot that goes into making a blockbuster movie that a lot of people don’t realize, and for good reason. Movies have a profound effect on our lives and influence us in a variety of ways. Check out these amazing facts about famous movies and don’t forget to share them with your friends.

27 “Donnie Darko” filmed in 28 days, matching its storyline timeline.

Donnie Darko
Image credit: Newmarket Films

“Donnie Darko” was filmed in 28 days, matching the movie’s timeline from October 2nd to October 31st, 1988. This coincidence adds a unique layer to the film’s production story. The shooting schedule perfectly aligned with the narrative’s timeline. (source)

26 Mission Impossible’s theme encodes “MI” in Morse, blending music, mystery.

The iconic ‘Mission: Impossible’ theme song cleverly incorporates a Morse code message. The rhythmic pattern starts with two long notes followed by two short notes, corresponding to the Morse code for ‘M’ (–) and ‘I’ (..), effectively spelling out ‘MI’ for ‘Mission: Impossible.

25 The weird barking sound the raptors use to communicate in “Jurassic Park”, is actually the sound of tortoises having sex.

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Another interesting fact is that it took 6 hours to render a single frame of the rain soaked T-Rex. (source)

24 Although not as successful as the sequels, the first “Paranormal Activity” movie cost less than $15,000 to make, but grossed over $193,000,000. That’s some return of investment.

Paranormal Activity
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23 The budget to film “Titanic” was actually larger than the cost to build the actual Titanic.

RMS Titanic
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The cost to construct the Titanic in 1910-1912 was £1.5 million or $7.5 million (at the time). Adjusted to inflation this was $120-150 million in 1997. However, the movie cost around $200 million to make. (source)


22 The movie “Gravity” had a $100,000,000 budget and was more expensive than the Indian Mars Mission.

ISRO Satellite
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The Indian Mars mission was the cheapest successful mission to date and cost $74 million. This was less than three quarters the cost to film the movie “Gravity”.(source)

21 The 1976 classic “Rocky” was shot in just 28 days.

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Picture These 27 Famous Movie Facts Will Have You Thinking Twice The Next Time You Watch Them!
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