Stunning photos of 15 Famous Landmarks viewed from a distance

by Mohammed Hidhayat9 years ago
Picture Stunning photos of 15 Famous Landmarks viewed from a distance

Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Greece, Paris – you must have seen photographs of these places many times up close. Here’s a list of images of famous landmarks shown in their surroundings with just a simple change in perspective. You will be surprised how a shift in angle, frame and zooming out can unravel both interesting and misleading imagery.

1 The Great Pyramids of Giza

En route to the Great Pyramids of Giza, the only intact Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The Great Pyramids of Giza
An aerial shot of the Giza Necropolis.

An aerial shot of the Giza Necropolis.The three major pyramid complexes are known as the Great Pyramids. Another set of three smaller pyramid structures can be seen to the extreme right. This whole construction along with the Great Sphinx (not in picture) forms the Giza Necropolis. One cannot stop noticing the cluster of cities developing nearby.

2 Stonehenge


A very popular spot among tourists, mythbusters & scientists, these stone sculptures have been depicted in numerous pop culture scenarios. With no profound evidence to its builders, its source or its purpose, Stonehenge is protected under UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites

Stonehenge Aerial ViewStonehenge and the rest of its landscape is quite a view from the above. Located on the Plains of Salisbury within the settlements of Wiltshire County, the ancient monument is an archaeological wonder of England. Steps are being taken to transform the roads passing by to reduce traffic and avoid pollution exposure.

3 Taj Mahal

Taj MahalRecognized as the ‘Monument of Love’, the Taj Mahal is a fine specimen of Mughal architecture situated in Agra, India. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, the photo is a southern view of the Taj Mahal. The reflecting pool rests between the walkways in the Moonlight Garden.

Taj Mahal different perspectiveClose to this landmark, garbage dumping has polluted the river Yamuna and poses great environmental implications and a greater threat to the white marbles of Taj Mahal.

4 Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg GateDamaged during World War II and the resulting Partition of Germany, the arch memorial originally designed as ‘a sign of peace’ was restored in 2002. The quadriga on the top was removed during renovation for a brief period of time.

Brandenburg Gate Aerial ViewStuck between rows of buildings in a bustling city, this symbol of German unity is a historic architecture today.The Berlin Wall stood in the place of the road shown in the photo.

5 Sagrada Família

Sagrada FamíliaA neo-gothic Roman Catholic Church left incomplete following the demise of architect Antoni Gaudí, this towering castle was elevated to the status of minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. The on-going construction will be complete by 2026 coinciding with his death centenary.

Sagrada Família Aerial viewTaken from a helicopter, Barcelona looks like one of those Megacities in Judge Dredd. The Olympic Stadium also makes the cut.

6 Horseshoe Falls

Horseshoe FallsThe Horseshoe Falls (shown in picture), American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls together form the Niagara Falls. It flows mostly into Canada and is the largest among the three.

Horseshoe Falls Aerial ViewPhoto taken from the nearby Skylon Observation tower, the Maid of the Mist ferry tour service can be seen on duty. Casinos, hotels, traffic – the allure of tourism.

7 The Acropolis

The AcropolisGreek Civilization at its finest – The Acropolis of Athens sits on a table top rock overlooking the city.

The Acropolis Aerial ViewAnd down lies the City of Athens, urbanized, but still continues to preserve its cultural heritage here and there.

8 Mount Rushmore

Mount RushmoreLooks so dominating from a lower angle, Mount Rushmore is a sculpture carved on the granite hills of South Dakota featuring the cranial anatomy of 4 US Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Mount Rushmore Aerial ViewNow, this shot totally diminishes the overwhelming effect of a close-up.

9 The Forbidden City

The Forbidden CityThis majestic imperial palace dates back to the Ming dynasty and is a World Heritage Site.

The Forbidden City Aerial ViewBut this long shot taken from the Outer City circle fails to generate any impression about the palace. Located at the center of Beijing, China, this cultural museum is lost in population.

10 The Hollywood Sign

Hollywood SignA very familiar iconic symbol popular around the world, The Hollywood Sign embedded on the Mountains of Santa Monica, represents the Entertainment Industry.

Hollywood Sign Aerial ViewThe cultural insignia stands vaguely visible behind the realm of real estate development inside Los Angeles.

11 Santorini

SantoriniVoted as the ‘best island in the world’ by a popular international magazine in 2014, Santorini is a scenic archipelago belonging to Greece. The main tourist attraction here is the town of Oia with its blue and white colored buildings.

Santorini Aerial ViewA zoomed out photograph emphasizes on the rocky volcanic terrain while a mega cluster of pastel colored boxes stand behind.

12 Mona Lisa

Mona LisaA known face but still no light on who she is. The world’s most famous painting is at display at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

Mona Lisa, From other viewBut what really matters is to reach close enough given the crowded tourism. The painting is displayed in a climate sensored, bulletproof case with a visually corrected LED lamp for that reduces UV radiation and provides ample illumination.

13 Central Park, NYC

Central Park, NYCLocated in Central Manhattan, the park is one of the most visited places in the United States.

Central Park, NYC Aerial viewThis incredible bird’s eye view shows the subsistence of a unified urban park amidst mushrooms of skyscrapers and busy life.

14 Arc de Triomphe

Arc de TriompheA picturesque location for visual story-telling, the Arc de Triomphe is shown here in a high shutter photograph. Erected in honor of French soldiers, the arch looks stunning from low ground.

Arc de Triomphe Aerial viewAnd the same can be said about this aerial shot. With roads radiating in all directions, the structure is revealed as a pivotal point and how the city resembles a large wrist watch or maybe a sundial.

15 The Little Mermaid

"The Little Mermaid"A fairy tale inspired bronze statue adores the Langelinie pier. This is a visually vibrant photo taken by a photographer.

"The Little Mermaid" difference perspective While this is a photo of a photographer taking a photo. A major attraction in Copenhagen and apparently the location is not as exotic as the above photo. Again, it’s all about perspective.
[Images Taken From:]

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Picture Stunning photos of 15 Famous Landmarks viewed from a distance
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