Shadow Of Alien Like Creature Sighted On The Moon

by Unbelievable Facts11 years ago

Conspiracy theorists have always been fascinated by dark secrets they believe are hidden on the moon. One YouTube user for example, believes he has discovered from Google Moon images, an alien like figure lurking in the deep crates of the satellites. Wowforreel shared a video that shows what he terms as an alien like figure seen walking on the surface of the moon. In less than a month, the figure has been seen more than two million times. It can also be seen on Google Moon at 27°34’26.35″N 19°36’4.75″W. The most likely explanation however, for this sighting would be a psychological phenomenon known as Pareidolia. It’s how the brain responds when it sees faces and significant objects in random stimulus.

Shadow Of Alien Like Creature Sighted On The Moon
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Paranormal explainer, Tom Rose, explains that the figure resembles what the ancient statute ‘The Colossus of Rhodes’ was believed to have looked like before being felled by an enormous earthquake in 226 BC.

'The Colossus of Rhodes' before it was felled by an earthquake in 226 BC.
‘The Colossus of Rhodes’ before it was felled by an earthquake in 226 BC. (Image Source:

Wowforreel started his investigations on the shadow after Jasenko, another web user, gave him an online tip. “An irregularly shaped dark spot he noticed on Google Moon looks like it could be a cast shadow from a massive standing object, or figure,” he told UFO Sighting Daily. “At first I thought maybe it was something drawn into the picture but after going to Google Moon, whatever it is or isn’t…uh, is there.”

Odd figure on the Moon?

NASA provides the images used to create lunar images for Google Moon but they haven’t commented yet on what they think the image shows.

The irregular shape looks like a cast shadow from a huge standing figure or object.
The irregular shape looks like a cast shadow from a huge standing figure or object. (Image Source:

This is not the first time Wowforreel has used Google’s moon series to spot strange images. In January, he showed controversial images that showed what was believed to be a secret spaceship or alien base on the moon.  Spotted on Google’s moon map were rows of seven light dots along the edges of a triangular anomaly.

Triangular anomaly that had rows of seven light-like dots along its edges.
Triangular anomaly that had rows of seven light-like dots along its edges. (Image Source:

Is it just a weird looking crater? or is it something else?,” he asked. “It is really there, not faked and I have no clue what it is. I found nothing else like it in any of the other craters.”

Tech and Gadget News say that, “The gigantic shape actually looks like the leading edge of an immense, triangular space ship, similar to, so far, super secret stealth aircraft technology, but is much larger than any airplane ever built on Earth.  The regularly spaced, circular promontory shapes which make up the seven points on the perfectly formed triangle wedge seem to be intelligently designed. To date, no other feature has ever been discovered which matches this shape on the moon, or any other planet observed by satellite or exploratory rover. The anomaly is so huge, it’s possible it is some sort of moon base used as a facility for storing and launching alien UFO spacecraft.

Alien base on Moon?

Wowforreel also claimed he found a mystery structure on Earth similar to that one nestled under Antarctica ice. “It is also a triangular shape, measuring 125 by 90mtres. It is unique in the area,” he said.

Most of the excited reports on alien life on our solar system have been due to light tricks in space. Paranormal researchers in November spotted fossilized iguana evidence on Mars.

Fossilized Iguana spotted by UFO Sightings Daily.
Fossilized Iguana spotted by UFO Sightings Daily. (Image Source:

UFO Sightings Daily spotted the mysterious object. They uncovered it in Nasa’s photo archives. “This is not the first animal found on Mars, actually there have been about 10-15 to date,‘ Mr Warring told, a news site. “I even found a rock that moved four times in four photos…then vanished on the fifth.”

Recently, the German Aerospace Centre youth portal, DLR_next, pointed out a ‘human face’ on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Rosetta comet.

Human face pointed out by the German Aerospace Centre
Human face pointed out by the German Aerospace Centre. (Image Source:

The Pareidolia phenomenon is a form of apophenia; people seeing connections or patterns in data that is random and unconnected. The human eye is capable of spotting faces in their environment. This helps them point out friends in a crowd, determine how fast a car is moving and see patterns. Scientists believe that we use this ability often to ‘enrich our imagination’ and recognize meaningful shapes, even those that are not there.

Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture Shadow Of Alien Like Creature Sighted On The Moon
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