At An Animal Hospital, Vets Were Not Expecting This To Show Up But It Did And They Were More Than Surprised!

Lots of animals go looking for medical services at a 24 hour animal hospital. Dogs, Cats, Sheep and the like, all need a vet at some time in their life. Sometimes people are kind enough to take injured wildlife to the vets too. This happened at a 24 hours emergency hospital, when an injured bald eagle was brought in. The eagle had broken its wing- an open fracture where the skin had been punctured by a bone. He surprised them with his weight and size. He was large and surprisingly heavy. They named him Freedom which was quite appropriate.

They suspected his broken wing was as a result of a car hit. They were however able and happy to help the eagle out. Compared to the hand of a vet, his talons were big but Freedom remained calm throughout the whole procedure. They patched him up pretty good and sent him on his way. One of those who helped out the eagle posted this update:
“Lots of you have been wanting an update. Once we’ve stabilized an animal/checked them over, we call the wildlife rehab centre in our city and they come p/u the animals. They provide long-term treatments and will attempt to rehab them in the wild again. A bad wing break like this (open fracture) is difficult to repair and can sometimes result in a wing amputation which prevents release. A wild bird does not always do well in captivity so, quite often, humane euthanasia is a common route. For this particular fellow, he went to the centre and I’m personally crossing my fingers that they’ll be able to help him and give him another few years of life. Hopefully he stays away from vehicles in the future…”