A super predator ate an entire 9 foot great white shark in The Australian Ocean

by Unbelievable Facts11 years ago

In the depths of Australia’s Wild Ocean, a mysterious super predator exists.

A film crew tagged a number of adult great white sharks on the Australian Wild Ocean. They were studying their movement patterns along the Australia’s coast. Four months later, one of the sharks’ tag was found floating ashore and the data they discovered on it was sinister.

A super predator ate an entire 9 foot great white shark in The Australian Ocean

The tag showed a high-speed underwater chase, six hundred meters deep into the water and a rapid temperature rise. The shark and its tag appear to have been swallowed and carried in the belly of a large and mysterious predator according to the scientist. The tracking device must have been inside the digestive system of the predator until it finally got out.

[source: www.smithsonianchannel.com]

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Picture A super predator ate an entire 9 foot great white shark in The Australian Ocean
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