Remarkable Plastic Surgery Transforms Korean Woman, Leading Her Surgeon to Propose

by Unbelievable Facts11 years ago
Picture Remarkable Plastic Surgery Transforms Korean Woman, Leading Her Surgeon to Propose

In South Korea, one in five women admits to undergoing cosmetic surgery, making it the country with the highest rate of cosmetic enhancements worldwide. Data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons reveals that one in every 77 South Koreans has had plastic surgery on their face and/or body.

Amazing Plastic Surgery Makes A Korean Woman So Gorgeous
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Plastic surgery is so prevalent in this country that it has largely shed any stigma, with beauty queens and celebrities openly discussing their procedures. In this society, a person’s success or failure is significantly influenced by their facial appearance, making plastic surgery a valuable investment. The high rate of cosmetic surgery is partly attributed to the success of Korean celebrities who have undergone such procedures. In fact, many individuals seeking surgery bring photos of celebrities to their surgeons, hoping to replicate their appearances. Another reason for the popularity of plastic surgery among Koreans is the desire to achieve a “Western look,” which often includes double eyelid surgery to make the eyes appear larger and jaw reconfiguration to create a smaller and more sharply defined face.

Huyn Jang Jin Before The Surgery
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Before Surgery

This story is about Huyn Jang Jin, a Korean woman who was bullied for her boyish appearance. The 33-year-old endured a difficult childhood, having never had a boyfriend and frequently facing taunts about her looks. With a masculine face, small eyes, a large face, and a square jaw, many people remarked she looked like a man. However, her life and prospects for love transformed after she underwent surgery to address her tiny eyes, oversized face, and square jaw.

after surgery
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after surgery photos
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Her university sponsored the surgery, enabling her to achieve the facial appearance she had always dreamed of. Her doctor performed an outstanding job and was significantly impressed by the transformation. Finding her exceptionally beautiful, he decided to propose to her. They are currently engaged.

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Picture Remarkable Plastic Surgery Transforms Korean Woman, Leading Her Surgeon to Propose
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