The smallest waist in the whole world(Cathie Jung).

by Unbelievable Facts13 years ago
Picture The smallest waist in the whole world(Cathie Jung).
Hell yes you heard it right 15 inch waist,well can’t even imagine ?
Check out this photo below,this picture has not been photoshopped.That woman’s waist really is that thin. She’s Cathie Jung who is 1.65 m (5 ft 6 in) tall.

Cathie Jung's astonishing 39-15-39 figure is the result of spending the last 25 years laced into tight corsets, which only come off when she showers.But the 75(2012)-year-old insists there is no concern. Grandmother Cathie is perfectly healthy. Cathie Jung is currently the smallest living person's waistline listed in the Guinness Book Of Records.

Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture The smallest waist in the whole world(Cathie Jung).
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