Chinese Guy Sold His Kidney To Buy iPhone And iPad

by Unbelievable Facts13 years ago
Picture Chinese Guy Sold His Kidney To Buy iPhone And iPad

Hell yes!! you read it right a chinese student sold his kidney to buy iPhone and iPad.
His name is Xiao Zheng and he is a student in Anhui Province from China. He sold his Kidney for around $3400 to an unknown man to buy iPhone and iPad.The hospital where the operation apparently took place claims to know nothing of the operation and a man to whom the kidney was sold vanished without a trace. But this dude’s now got a new iPhone 4 and iPad 2 to play with, so good luck to him .

Now authorities have indicted five people in central China for involvement in illegal organ trading after a teenager sold one of his kidneys to buy an iPhone and an iPad.

Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture Chinese Guy Sold His Kidney To Buy iPhone And iPad
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