Banana Can Cure Hangover.

by Unbelievable Facts13 years ago
Picture Banana Can Cure Hangover.

If you’ve been out partying too much, you’ll definitely want to avoid a hangover.Bananas can help cure or prevent hangovers. The main causes of hangovers are dehydration and depletion of potassium, both direct results of alcohol consumption.

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium with over 450 mg. per one banana serving, as well as being high in magnesium, which can help relax those pounding blood vessels causing that nasty hangover headache.

Bananas are also high in B6, a vitamin that has been shown in studies to reduce hangover symptoms.Bananas also contain tryptophan, the same amino acid found in turkey that makes you sleepy, as well as high amounts of vitamin C.

To avoid headache don’t take pain relievers before going to bed. Alcohol combined with pain relievers have been proven to cause stomach ulcers. Instead, drink at least 16 ounces of water and have a banana or two before sleeping.

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Picture Banana Can Cure Hangover.
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