20 Psychology Facts to Explore the Mind’s Mysteries

by Unbelievable Facts2 months ago

Explore key psychology facts that shed light on how our thoughts, emotions, and actions shape our daily experiences, offering insights into the complex nature of the human mind.

Table of Contents

Have you experienced Jamais Vu? Opposite of déjà vu

Jamais Vu
Jamais Vu

The concept known as “jamais vu” is a psychological phenomenon where individuals encounter a sense of unfamiliarity in typically recognizable situations, an experience opposite to déjà vu. This can manifest when someone sees a familiar person or reads a common word, yet it feels entirely new and unknown. While déjà vu brings a false feeling of past experience to new events, jamais vu distorts our connection with the known, making it seem alien.

60% of adults lie at least once in ten-minute conversations.


A 2002 University of Massachusetts study found that 60% of adults can’t speak for ten minutes without lying at least once.

Income above $108,000 annually does not further increase happiness levels.

salary linked with happiness

According to a 2010 study by Deaton and Kahneman, happiness increases with income up to an annual salary of approximately $75,000 (adjusted for inflation equivalent to $108,000). After this point, the effect of income on happiness weakens.


Attractive = smart? Halo effect in action.

Halo effect

People we find attractive and likeable are often seen as more intelligent, even if they aren’t. This is called the “halo effect.”

Witzelsucht causes uncontrollable puns, jokes, and inappropriate innuendos.

Image credit: The Office/Reveille Productions

Witzelsucht is a neurological condition that makes people constantly tell puns, jokes, and sexual innuendos in inappropriate situations. They often don’t understand that their behavior is abnormal.


Belief of good sleep improves performance.

can't sleep

Thinking you slept well can boost your performance, even if you didn’t actually get enough sleep.

Brains favor remembering bad over good memories due to negativity bias.

Our brain in negative bias

Our brains are hardwired with a negativity bias that makes us remember bad memories more readily than good ones. This inherent tendency means negative experiences often have a larger impact on our thoughts and feelings than positive ones.


Typoglycemia demonstrates our brain’s focus on word structure, not scrambled letters.

Iaigmnnoiton is more poerwful than we often relaize; it hlpses us unrsdntaead text, eevn when lrettes are mxied up. As lnog as the frsit and lsat ltteers are creocrct, our barins can deicpher mnaeings efrotlsesly. This demsontrteas our mndi’s aablitily to percoss ifnromaiton as a hlole, raehtr than trhguoh it’s idvaiiulnd parts.

Loneliness engages brain regions similarly involved in physical pain processing.


Loneliness and physical pain activate similar brain areas, indicating shared processing pathways. Brain regions like the anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex are involved in both. Understanding this could help explain why loneliness feels so intensely painful.


Experiences, not possessions, are more likely to enhance lasting happiness.


Research shows experiential purchases bring more lasting happiness than material goods. Experiences enhance well-being and provide enduring joy. Prioritizing experiences over possessions can lead to greater happiness​​​​​​.

Memory recall is iterative, often distorting the original event over time.

Memory recall is iterative

When you recall a past event, you’re often remembering your last recollection of it, not the original occurrence. This iterative process can distort the memory each time​​​​.

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