33 Psychology Facts to Explore the Mind’s Mysteries
Explore key psychology facts that shed light on how our thoughts, emotions, and actions shape our daily experiences, offering insights into the complex nature of the human mind.
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Screen attention spans dropped from 2.5 minutes to 47 seconds.
A team of researchers at UC Irvine found that the average attention span on a screen in 2004 was 150 seconds. By 2012, it had dropped to 75 seconds, and recently, it has declined further to just 47 seconds.
Once Bannister achieved the 4-minute mile, many athletes soon matched it.
The Bannister Effect occurs when a seemingly impossible achievement is made, creating a mental shift that inspires others to break the same barrier. The term comes from Roger Bannister, the first to break the 4-minute mile.
Cherophobia: fear of happiness due to belief in tragic consequences.
Some people fear being too happy, believing it will lead to something tragic. This condition is called Cherophobia.
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