The ‘World’s Most Inconvenient’ Convenience Store Hangs 120m Above the Ground on a Steep Cliff!

by Deepti S10 months ago
Picture The ‘World’s Most Inconvenient’ Convenience Store Hangs 120m Above the Ground on a Steep Cliff!

Convenience stores, living up to their name, are typically known for being easily accessible. But one convenience store in China is anything but convenient! This tiny wooden shop that sells refreshments has been nicknamed the world’s “most inconvenient” convenience store by netizens because rock climbing is the only way to reach the store!

The store is located on a steep cliff, about 390 feet above the ground, making it one of the scariest and most inconvenient places you can imagine. It is so small that if you look at it from far away, it looks like an outdoor unit air conditioner. So, why is it located so far above? How do they manage to sell refreshments at such a remote location? Let us take a look.

The Tiny Wooden Shop is the Ultimate Pitstop for Rock Climbers

The world's most inconvenient and convenient store hangs 120m above the ground.
The world’s most inconvenient and convenient store hangs 120m above the ground. Image Credit: China Newspaper/

The tiny store located at an unbelievable height on a sheer cliff is a unique sight in China’s Shiniuzhai National Geological Park in Hunan Province. The store has truly earned its nickname because getting there is no easy feat at all! Only rock climbers who are willing to attempt the arduous climb can access the store.


Despite measuring just two square meters, this store is a lifesaver for rock climbers, providing them with essential refreshments during their ascents. It was constructed in 2017 and started welcoming visitors in April 2018.

Store operator selling refreshment to a rock climber
Store operator selling refreshment to a rock climber. Image Credit: China Newspaper/

Although the store is isolated and difficult to reach, you can find many refreshments at the store, including energy drinks, biscuits, energy bars, bread, and even Red Bull. The prices are also reasonable. For example, a water bottle costs only two yuan, or about $0.30. You can pay either by cash or using the mobile payment platform called WeChat Pay.


Even the Employees Have to Excel at Rock Climbing!

A store operator reaching the store via zipline while carrying refreshment
A store operator reaching the store via zipline while carrying refreshment. Image Credit: New China TV/

Due to the store’s limited space, only one worker can fit inside. So, just like customers, employees must also excel at rock climbing to reach the store. For this reason, staff members, who are all in their mid-20s, must stay physically fit so that they can easily ascend and descend the cliff.

Since the store is compact, it doesn’t have extra space for storage. Therefore, the store operator has to carry the refreshments to the store every day. Not only that, they have to complete this task early in the morning, well before customers can reach the store. At first, employees are indeed scared about climbing such a steep cliff every day, but with practice, they get used to it.


Sadly, the store lacks restroom facilities, which is another challenge for employees. So, whenever an employee wants to use the toilet, they must climb up and down the cliff. To avoid the tiresome process of using the restroom frequently, the workers try not to drink too much water. Despite the hurdles and the fact that the business does not make a great deal of money, workers say they are happy to be of help and to have such a meaningful job.

Netizens are astounded by their discovery of an unconventional store and its operators. Pictures of the store have gone viral on Chinese social media, garnering nearly 50 million views on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter/X. Furthermore, an X (formerly known as Twitter) user named “Science Girl” has received 1.2 million views on her post about the store.


Shiniuzhai National Geological Park, Home to the Convenience Store, Is a Famous Scenic Attraction

Most inconvenient convenience store
Most inconvenient convenience store. Image Credit: China Newspaper/

Shiniuzhai National Geological Park is well-known for its waterfalls, steep cliffs, and zip lines. This National Geopark has been honored as a National AAAA Scenic Spot, which is the second-highest rating for tourist attractions in China, as determined by the China National Tourism Administration. The park’s popularity stems primarily from three famous attractions: the glass-bottomed bridge, Hundred Li Danxia, and Ten Li Cliff.


The glass-bottomed bridge, particularly, is very famous for its scary experience. It’s no surprise that it is referred to as the “Brave Men’s Bridge” because the bridge hangs dangerously 600 feet above the ground! The view below is absolutely spine-tingling, and it is not for the faint of heart. As you can see, this scenic attraction is filled with amazement and adventure.

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Picture The ‘World’s Most Inconvenient’ Convenience Store Hangs 120m Above the Ground on a Steep Cliff!
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