10 Things that Seem Harmless but Could Actually Kill you
6 Drinking water is fatal. WHAT? Consumption of too much water can result in water intoxication. Normally people have died by drinking water either in contests or exercising while consuming long drafts of water. Water is like a poison if consumed excessively for a brief period.
When water is consumed excessively, more than required can cause potentially fatal water intoxication. Water intoxication takes place when the normal balance of electrolytes becomes disturbed, and the body is pushed outside of the safe limit.
This can cause dysfunction in the brain. There is a natural mechanism in our body that stops the body from overdrinking. It’s safe to drink eight glasses of water per day or according to your thirst, but forcefully drinking water can result in severe side effects.
There are rare cases of people dying from overdrinking, as people don’t consume too much water normally. Most of the cases of death by consuming water were either consuming excessive water in water drinking competitions or drinking it during long bouts of exercise while excess amounts of fluid are consumed.
Drinking a large quantity of water can result in low sodium levels which cause symptoms that range from lethargy and nausea to convulsions and coma. Always drink the amount of water required by the body, not too much, not too little. (source)
7 A rare brain-eating amoeba is found in warm, freshwater lakes, hot springs, and rivers. They have recently been found in Florida and can be in other areas too. This amoeba causes naegleria infection. A person can get infected with this while swimming or engaging in water sports. A person infected with naegleria infection can die within a week.
Health officials of the US State Department reported a confirmed case of a brain-eating amoeba in Florida. This brain-eating amoeba resides in warm, freshwater lakes, hot springs, and rivers. This amoeba is known as Naegleria fowleri which causes Naegleria infection.
The naegleria infection is a fatal brain infection that can kill the infected person within a week. You can get infected from naegleria while swimming or performing water sports.
The amoeba travels from the nose to the brain causing brain damage. The naegleria infection has symptoms like nausea and vomiting, fever, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, hallucinations, and many more.
If you have recently been in warm, fresh water and develop these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. Most cases of naegleria infection occur in southern US states. (source)
8 Brazil nuts have the potential to kill you if consumed in large amounts. They contain high levels of selenium which is a poison that can be toxic to the human body. The other health effects are diarrhea, nausea, heart attack, kidney failure, nervous system disorders, and selenium poisoning.
Brazil nuts are beneficial to your health if consumed at the rate of two to three nuts per day, but consuming them in excessive amounts can cause serious health problems.
Brazil nuts contain high amounts of selenium, which is a poison and can be toxic for the human body. One Brazil nut contains 68- to 91-mcg-per-nut of selenium which is about twice the amount of selenium recommended for the human body.
The body needs selenium, as it is filled with fiber, protein, and magnesium which protects the body from various diseases when consumed in low quantities.
Consuming excessive Brazil nuts can also cause health problems like diarrhea, garlic breath, nausea, rashes, nervous system disorders, heart attack, heart failure, tremors, difficulty in breathing, kidney failure, and selenium poisoning. You may also lose your hair and nails. (source)
9 Grain silos containing corn, wheat, or soybean can be deadly when the grain cascades occur, they bury anyone who is in the silo, and due to suffocation, they die. Many deaths have been reported in grain silos. Since 2007, 80 farmworkers have died, including 14 teenage boys.
Grain engulfment is a term that defines death due to grain silos. When the unstable grain suddenly collapses burying the people who may be working in it, they will be either partially submerged or wholly buried by the grain. When the worker is submerged in grain and is unable to get out, they can die due to suffocation.
The fatality rate of grain silos is high. According to reports, since 2007, around 80 farmworkers, which also included 14 teenage boys who worked there, have died in silo accidents.
Agricultural organizations have spread awareness of methods of prevention, improved rescue techniques, and are working to protect people from such accidents. (source)
10 Snow shoveling contains the risk of a heart attack. According to a Canadian report, around 34% of men are in danger of dying from a heart attack due to shoveling snow. Cold weather increases the tendency of blood clotting, and shoveling snow at the same time can trigger heart problems.
Millions of people shovel snow from their driveways or other areas. It can be a good workout, too, but not for everyone. According to the study from emergency-room visits between 1990 to 2006, it is discovered that there were roughly 11,500 ER visits per year and around 1,647 people died due to shoveling-snow accidents.
Shoveling snow can be harmful to people who have a history of cardiovascular disease, as shoveling snow physically exerts the person, and the cold weather leads to clotting of blood which can result in a heart attack. Snow shoveling should be done by taking proper measures and people considering their health. (source)
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