10 Things People Did in Ancient Times that Were Surprising

by Heer Khant5 years ago

6 If ancient Persians decided something when they were drunk, there was a rule that they had to reconsider when they were sober. And if they made a decision when they were sober, they had to reconsider it when drunk.

Alexander and Clitus
Image for representational purpose only. Image credit: Wikimedia

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus stated that Persians would reconsider a decision they made when they were drunk after getting sober. The historians after him added that the reverse was also true for the Persians. If the decision remained during both the times, it was to be held.

The famous Latin saying, in vino veritas which means “in wine there is truth” also finds a place in Persia where, in its own Persian version, the saying states that by drinking wine, the truth comes out. Often people make decisions when drunk that they would not make otherwise.

But perhaps the Persians believed that reconsidering a decision when drunk was also vital. As then, the person would then know what they really want in their heart, as opposed to the brain having more weight in decision-making when sober.

Studies have shown that decisions made in a “hot” state of mind (drunk) when compared to a “cold” state of mind (sober), were “frighteningly clear.” (1, 2)


7 In ancient Egypt, women were made to pee on barley and wheat seeds as a form of a pregnancy test. If the barley grew, it was a boy. If the wheat grew, it was a girl. If none grew, she was not pregnant.

Ancient Egypt
Image credit: Wikimedia

Over the course of several days, women in 1350 BCE were asked to pee on wheat and barley seeds to determine whether they were going to have a girl or a boy or were not pregnant at all. One might think that these tests were bogus, but they actually worked.

We know that because a laboratory experiment was conducted in 1963 through which the wheat and barley pregnancy tests were proved to be correct around 70% of the time.

That was Egypt. In the 16th century Europe, there were “piss prophets” who could tell if a woman was pregnant by looking at the characteristics and color of her urine. Some also mixed urine with wine to determine pregnancy. Well, thanks to the modern pregnancy tests, we got rid of all of this! (source)


8 Back in the day, kissing was considered to be a legal way to seal contracts and was used instead of signatures. As people often did not know how to read or write, they would kiss the “X” line on the contracts.

Kissing to seal contracts
Image credit: Jastrow/Wikimedia

In ancient times, kissing symbolized a lot more than a romantic expression. It was a sign of respect and used in place of fingerprints or signatures. The “X” symbol we use to denote kisses today has its origin in the Middle Ages when people kissed to seal a contract as many did not know to read or write.

They would kiss on the “X” and the contract was deemed to be accepted by them and was legally binding. When the ancient Romans reached an agreement, they would exchange a kiss to mark its completion which is one of the theories to explain the origin of the phrase, “sealed with a kiss.” (1, 2)


9 A “trial by ordeal” existed in the ancient times, where a person who was accused of a crime would take a sip of holy water and then be thrown into a pool. If they sunk to the bottom, it meant they were innocent as the Gods had accepted them, if they floated, they were condemned.

Trial by ordeal
Image credit: Wikimedia

According to Superstition and Force, compiled by Henry Charles Lee in 1870, there were four trials by ordeal. Out of the four trials by ordeal that existed in the ancient times, one of those was “Trial by Cold Water.” The defendant who would not plead guilty and confess was subjected to one of the four trials by the plaintiff.

In the “Trial by Cold Water,” a person was to take a sip of holy water and was then thrown into a pool of water to prove their innocence. If they sunk, the God had accepted them as they were innocent, but if they floated, they were sinners and God had rejected them. Some records suggest that the defendants who sank were not left to die, and they were usually rescued.

The other three trials by ordeal were “Trial by Hot Iron” (where a person had to carry a hot iron for nine feet), “Trial by Hot Water” (where one had to pluck out a hot stone from a pot of boiling water), and the third one which was only for a priest who was accused—“Trial by Host” (where a priest would pray to God to choke him while swallowing food, dry bread and cheese,  if he was guilty and save him if he was innocent). (source)


10 In the ancient times, the doctors used electrotherapy to treat neurological conditions like migraines. An electric torpedo fish was placed on the patient’s head for it!

Electric torpedo fish
Image credit: Brandi Noble, NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC

In Plato’s dialogue Meno, Plato has the character Meno accuse Socrates of “stunning” people. In Compositiones Medicae of 46 AD, a Roman physician, Scribonius Largus, recorded the use of torpedo fish for treatment of gout and headaches through electric shocks.

He wrote, “To immediately remove and permanently cure a headache, however long-lasting and intolerable, a live, black torpedo is put on the place which is in pain until the pain ceases and the part grows numb.”

In ancient Greece and Rome, the shocks of the species Torpedo nobiliana measured up to 220 volts. The torpedo fish, also known as an electric ray, is the most electrosensitive of all animals whose name comes from the Latin torpere which means to paralyze or stiffen.

They do not emit electric shocks to stun or kill their prey unless they feel threatened, for example when they are stepped on. (1, 2)

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Picture 10 Things People Did in Ancient Times that Were Surprising
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