Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

by Unbelievable Facts12 years ago
Picture Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.
A young man name Alexey Parshukov from Omsk, Russia has recently come up with his stunning artwork with electricity, some even comparing him with nikol tesla by notifying him Russian Nikola Tesla.

He has a gallery of 644 images on his vKontakte page, most are riddled with doubt as to their authenticity, Some say that this is real electric current on his photos. Other say it’s not possible. People keep arguing trying to prove it’s them who learnt physics better at school.

Check out some of his photos i liked.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.

(check more photos here : source)

So what do you think? Can it be real?

Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture Alexey Parshukov Magician of Electricity.
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