12 Mysterious Deaths that Are Still Unsolved

by Rishika Jain3 years ago
Picture 12 Mysterious Deaths that Are Still Unsolved

All people die, but some people leave a mystery behind after their death which can not be solved even after years of investigation. There are many unsolved deaths from the ancient era and modern era of which the cause is still not determined or the manner of death, whether it is suicide or murder. is known. These deaths have many alternative theories and assumptions but no one was able to solve these deaths. Let’s see such cases of 12 mysterious deaths that are still unsolved.

1 Edgar Allan Poe, an American writer, died on 7 October 1849 under mysterious circumstances. On 3 October 1849, he was found in Baltimore, Maryland in great distress and in need of immediate assistance. He was admitted to Washington College Hospital where he died four days later.

Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe, Original burial place. Image credits: Shutterstock, KRichter via Wikimedia.org

Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer and poet. He was regarded as the central figure of the Romanticism Era in American literature. He died on 7 October 1849 under mysterious conditions which are still unresolved.

He was aged 40 when he died. On 3 October 1849, a man named Joseph W. Walker found a shabbily dressed man lying in the gutter and semi-conscious in Baltimore, Maryland. He looked closely and recognized him. The many lying in the gutter was Edgar Allan Poe.

On 27 September, Poe left Richmond, Virginia to edit a collection of poems, and no one heard or saw him for five days until 3 October. He was admitted to the Washington College Hospital where he died four days later.

His death raised a huge question as to why Poe was found in an unexpected city, why he was dressed in someone else’s clothes, and what caused his delirious condition. (1, 2)


2 Cleopatra, Ptolemaic Egypt’s last ruler died on 12 August 30 BCE in Alexandria. She committed suicide by allowing an Egyptian cobra to bite her. Modern scholars debate over the validity that her death was due to snake bites. Some academics state that her rival, Octavian, forced her to commit suicide some other way.

Cleopatra VII
Illustration of a Cleopatra. Image credits: Shutterstock

Cleopatra VII was the last ruler of Ptolemaic Egypt and ruled as a co-regent for almost three decades. She died between 10 or 12 August in 30 BCE in Alexandria. She was the lover of Julius Caesar and Marc Antony and died for love.

After the Battle of Actium, Antony and Cleopatra’s forces were defeated by Octavian’s forces. A rumor began that Cleopatra had committed suicide. After hearing this, Antony committed suicide by falling on his sword, but Cleopatra’s suicide rumor was had been false.

On 12 August, 30 BCE, after the burial of Antony and meeting Octavian, Cleopatra locked herself in her room, which means no one knows how she died, but Plutarch and other writers had a theory that she committed suicide by allowing herself to be bitten by an asp (an Egyptian snake).

However, modern scholars debate the validity that her death was due to snake bites. Some academics say that her rival Octavian forced her to commit suicide some other way. (1, 2)


3 Princess Yongtai, a princess in the Tang Dynasty, was executed along with her brother and husband by Empress Wu Zetian for gossiping about Wu Zetian’s lovers. However, her epitaph says she was pregnant when she was killed. From a piece of her pelvic bone, it is assumed that she died from childbirth or a fatal miscarriage.

Princess Yongtai
Princess Yongtai Grave. Image credit: Bairuilong via Wikimedia.org

Princess Yongtai was a princess in the Tang Dynasty and the 7th daughter of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang. She died on October 9, 701 CE at the age of 15 or 16, but the cause of her death is widely disputed.

Empress Wu Zetian heard the gossip spread by Li about the two officials, Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong, who were also Wu Zetian’s lovers. To punish Li, she had Li, her husband, and her brother executed.

However, Li’s epitaph states that she died from childbirth, as her pelvic bone was much smaller as compared to other women her age. Another theory states that she might have suffered a fatal miscarriage after hearing the news of her brother and husband’s execution. (Source)


4 In 1933, skeletons of two young boys were recovered from Westminster Abbey, they were reburied in 1674 and placed in the Henry VIIth Chapel in the Abbey. However, these bones are thought to be of two princes who were murdered in the Tower of London in the 15th century.

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey in London. Image credit: Shutterstock

King of England, Edward V, and his brother, Richard of Shrewsbury, are known as “Princes in the Tower” because they were murdered in the Tower of London in the 15th century. It is said that these boys were murdered by their uncle Richard of Gloucester so he could retain his power.

In 1674, two skeletons of two young boys were found, one aged about 10 and the other 13, during the altercations thought to be the two unfortunate young boys who were murdered by the hand of their uncle, the “Princes in the Tower.”

In 1674, the skeletons were reburied in an urn and were placed in the Henry VIIth Chapel in the Abbey. (1, 2)


5 The death of German youth, Kaspar Hauser, is still a mystery. On 14 December 1833, he came home with a stab wound in his chest and died three days later. He claimed to have been attacked, but the court of inquiry doubted this and speculated that he wounded himself to seek attention.

Kaspar Hauser
Kaspar Hauser statue (Image to the left), Image is used for representational purposes only. Image credits: Michael Zaschka, Mainz / Fulda via Wikimedia.org, Shutterstock

The German youth Kaspar Hauser grew up in a darkened cell in total isolation. Many theories state that he was a member of the Grand Ducal House of Baden and was hidden because of royal intrigue. Some also regarded him as a fraud. However, his death created controversy and debate.

On 14 December 1833, he came home with a stab wound in his chest. According to him, a stranger stabbed him in the Ansbach Court Garden while giving him a bag. Hauser died on 17 December 1833, due to this deep stab wound.

However, many claims made by Hauser were inconsistent and this led the Ansbach Court of Inquiry to assume that he stabbed himself to gain attention. The forensic examiners also agreed to the suggestion that his wound might indeed have been self-inflicted, but that he injured himself more severely than expected. (1, 2)


6 Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the US, died on 9 July 1850. Doctors reported cholera morbus as the reason for death, but rumors circulated that pro-slavery Southerners poisoned him. In the 1990s, the president was exhumed and was tested for arsenic poisoning, but only a small amount of arsenic was found. His death remains unknown.

Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor- US President. Image credit: Shutterstock

Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the US who was also the American military leader, died on 9 July 1850 at the age of 65.

Taylor was an officer in the United States Army, was promoted to the rank of major general, and became the national hero after his victories in the Mexican–American War. However, his death caused much controversy. It was suggested that he was assassinated.

The doctors blamed cholera morbus as the reason for death, but it is said that pro-slavery Southerners poisoned him, or the 13th US president, Millard Fillmore, poisoned him. Millard Fillmore proposed many new laws, but Taylor opposed them, and Millard Fillmore was sworn in the next day after Taylor’s death.

In the 1990s, Clara Rising, a former professor at the University of Florida, suggested arsenic poisoning as the cause of Taylor’s death because after his death she noticed that everything Taylor worked against was passed test his remains for arsenic.

However, there was only a small amount of arsenic present, and it was not enough to prove the assassination. Hence, his death mystery remained unsolved. (1, 2)

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10 Ancient Artifacts That Are Shrouded in Mystery

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Picture 12 Mysterious Deaths that Are Still Unsolved
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