World’s First Milk Vodka: Black Cow.

by Unbelievable Facts12 years ago
Picture World’s First Milk Vodka: Black Cow.

The West Dorset pure milk vodka Black Cow, a staple at critically acclaimed restaurants owned by British chefs Heston Blumenthal and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is the idea of Jason Barber, a dairy farmer from West Dorset, who has been successful in creating a blend of vodka and milk. This idea came to him while he had been watching a television documentary about residents of a small town in Tuva, in Siberia, who fermented yaks’ milk into vodka.

Milk vodka
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The 47-year-old farmer gets milk from his herd of 250 cows, which he then separates into curd and whey. The former is made into cheese and the latter is fermented into beer (using special yeast) to convert the milk sugar into alcohol. After the beer milk is distilled, it is subject to a secret blending process. The vodka is then triple-filtered and hand-bottled.

Back cow Vodka
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The sixth generation farmer, Jason Barber has always had personal interest in this particular form of alcohol, since he claims it to be the only drink that does not give him a hangover. He even has had a long history of making his own drinks. He had been thrown out of school for making a brew from fermented orange juice and storing it in unused school cellars.

Black Cow Vodka
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According to reports, Hollywood star Daniel Craig is a big fan of this blend of alcohol and British actress and model Elizabeth Hurley is also fond of the same because of its creamy texture.

According to the official website, Black Cow Vodka is made from the same milk which is used to make Barber’s 1833 cheddar cheese, which won the World Cheese Awards Cheddar Trophy in 2012. The site also indicates that a 70cl bottle costs £27.85 and a 50cl bottle £22.85.

Find us on YouTube Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”
Picture World’s First Milk Vodka: Black Cow.
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