10 Creatures Which Almost Look Unreal

by Unbelievable Facts5 years ago

6 The gerenuk was first described in 1878 by Victor Brook. They are a type of antelope that can stand on their hind legs to reach the higher twigs and are native to the Horn of Africa.


Gerenuk is a half-giraffe, half-gazelle creature that is native to the Horn of Africa. It was first described in 1878 by Victor Brook, a naturalist. The reason for its giraffe/gazelle name is its long neck its gazelle-like body. This type of gazelle has an advantage other antelopes in foraging as it can stand on its hind legs to reach the tallest branches for leaves.

Gerenuks have long necks and slender legs that play a significant role in both their speed and their foraging ability. The male gerenuk is taller than the females measuring from 89 cm to 105 cm on average and weighing between 31 kg and 52 kg. These animals primarily feed on herbs, flowers, fruits, and leaves. (source)

7 The albino alligator is a type of alligator that lacks melanin and is vulnerable to predators. Folklore associates them with luck.

Albino alligator
Albino alligator

The albino alligator is a type of alligator that lacks melanin pigmentation, and folklore associates this rare creature with luck. White skin and pinkish eyes are what characterizes them. Due to the albinism, these alligators are vulnerable to predators. They cannot camouflage themselves like other alligators and are blind. Their skin is sensitive, and too much sunlight can have adverse effects.

Because of their nature, most albino alligators were brought to zoos and are well protected. Their primary diet includes fish, crabs, crayfish, and amphibians. According to biologists, there are about 100 albino alligators in the whole world. As the folks say, the next time you see an albino alligator, be sure to look right into its eyes for some good luck. (12)


8 The saiga antelope has an elongated nose that looks like a shortened elephant’s trunk. They are found mostly in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and in Moscow.

Saiga antelope
Saiga antelope

Believed to be one of the world’s oldest animals, the saiga antelope is another creature almost too weird to be real. Reports show that these antelopes date back to the last Ice Age and once lived in the British isles to Alaska. The saiga antelope has a unique nose that looks like a shortened elephant’s trunk. The trunk-like nose has an enormous number of chambers that helps in cleaning the inhaled air. Also, they use the snout to attract females during mating.

They live mostly in grasslands, steppes, semi-desert areas, and woodlands feeding primarily on vegetation. Also, they can swim across the water. During the spring season, the females gather together to give birth to calves. A majority of the calves birthed are twins, hence the high number of saiga antelopes.

Even though saiga antelopes give birth to a high number of calves every year, they are still under the threat of extinction due to poaching. Their horns, meat, and skin are precious, especially to the Chinese people who use the horns for medicinal purposes. Today, saiga antelopes are in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and the Moscow Zoo. (12)

 9 The bearded vulture is a prey bird that feeds mostly on bone marrow. They are in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Bearded vulture
Image credit: Pixabay

The bearded vulture is a unique type of bird of prey that was once considered the “Old World vulture.” The thick feathers under its chin give them their name, “bearded vulture.”


These vultures feed mainly on carcasses. Surprisingly, the food they eat is 90% bone marrow. If the bone is too hard to break, they will carry it to a height of at least 100 meters above the ground and drop it to shatter the bones on rocks. They will then glide down to inspect if it is broken and consume the bone marrow. Bearded vultures can be found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are mostly found in mountain ranges. (12)

10 The red-lipped batfish is native to the Galapagos Islands in Peru. They walk rather than swim in the water.

Red-lipped batfish
Image credit: Rein Ketelaars/Flickr

The red-lipped batfish is a type of fish native to the Galapagos Islands in Peru. This type of fish acquired its name from its bat-like body shape and the bright red lips. They have pectoral fins adapted to walking, making them weak swimmers. They appear to walk on the ocean floors and feed mainly on shrimp, mollusks, and other small fish. They use the illicium on their heads to trap their prey. (source)

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Picture 10 Creatures Which Almost Look Unreal
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