12 Facts that Seem Exaggerated but are Actually True!

by Unbelievable Facts6 years ago

11 If there is a planet with life 65 million light-years away from Earth, and if they looked at Earth through a very large telescope, they would still see dinosaurs running around!

Watching through Telescope, Dinosours
Image credits: Joshua Tree National Park/Wikimedia, Pixabay

Light has a speed and it takes time to travel. The further away the place is, the longer it would take for the light to travel and reach there. For example, if you are reading this, it would take about two nanoseconds for the light from your computer screen to reach you. In case of the sun, it’s eight minutes.

So theoretically, the light that left the Earth around 65 million years ago is now somewhere that is around 65 million light years away from our planet. The light may have reached some planet that is 65 million lightyears away from Earth. Now since dinosaurs were still alive until about 65 million years ago, someone watching us now from that planet would see dinosaurs running around. If they keep watching, they might also see how the era of dinosaurs ended suddenly!

But this is just theory. This would be only possible if the alien had a very large telescope, and such a telescope is practically impossible. (source)

12 If you are 50 years old or more, the world population has more than doubled during your lifetime.


World Population by Year
Image source: Screengrab via worldometers.info

If you are 50 years old, then you must have been born in 1967. The population of the world in 1968 was 3,479,053,821. The most recent population data available currently is for the year 2017 in which the world population was 7,550,262,101. This number is more than double of what the population was in 1967! Therefore, during your lifetime, the population has grown by twice! (source)

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Picture 12 Facts that Seem Exaggerated but are Actually True!
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