20 Odd-looking Creatures That Probably You Have Never Seen Before

by Unbelievable Facts7 years ago

16 Frilled Sharks

Frilled Sharks
Image credit: Mario Sánchez Bueno via conservation.org

Frilled shark is a deep water sark and is one of the most primitive species of living shark. Its bizarre appearance is due to its lizard-like head which consists of a blunt ended snout. Also, its mouth is quite large and contains multiple rows of sharp, three-pronged teeth. There are approximately 300 sharp hook-like inward pointing teeth inside the mouth of frilled shark. There are six gill slits present on either side of the head and each slit possess a distinctive frilly margin. The front slit on both sides extend beneath the body and meets under a throat. This gives the appearance of a frilly collar. The body of frilled shark is of serpentine-like shape.(source)

17 Tardigrade

Image source: giphy

Tardigrades, also known as water bears or moss piglets are eight legged, segmented micro-animals. It is often known as the toughest animal in nature due to its ability to live in solid ice, boiling water and even under intense radiation of the space. It can survive for decades in deep sea trenches or in desert without a drop of water. Tardigrades has a special feature which enables it to live in these extreme conditions: it can dry out completely. When faced with extreme condition, it replaces all the water in its body with a sugar called trehalose. Basically, tardigrades had been on earth far before human evolution and is likely to remain even when human race will become extinct.(source)

18 Musky rat-kangaroo

Musky Rat Kangaroo
Image Source: m.animal.memozee.com

Musky rat-kangaroo is a marsupial species that is found only in the rain forest of northeast Australia. It is the smallest kangaroo that walks on all fours. It is active during the daytime and sleeps during night. They are usually 21 to 32 cm long with  a 6.5 to 12.35 cm long hairless tail. It uses its tail to build nests. Musky rat-kangaroo has reptile-like scales on its tail and feet and 5 toes on each foot which suggests that it is linked with primitive marsupials. It feeds on fallen fruits, large seeds and small invertebrates.(source)


19 Giant Isopod

Giant Isopode
Image Source: www.lazerhorse.org

Distantly related to crabs and shrimps, Giant isopode is a species of large isopode . It can be found in the cold waters of Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. They are much larger than typical isopodes and ranges between 17 and 50 centimeters which is the same size as a young cat. The body of gaint isopodes is protected by a tough scales made of overlapping segments. When threatened, giant isopodes can curl up into a ball to save its vulnerable underside.(source)

20 Japanese Spider Crab

Japanese Crab
Image credit: Dave Thompson/PA via telegraph

With a leg span of 5.5 meters, Japanese Spider Crab is a huge nightmarish crab species. It is found in the waters around Japan and hence the name. Japanese Spider Crab is the second heaviest arthropod on Earth and a fully grown adult weighs about 19 kilograms. Despite its huge size it needs protection from larger predators such as octopuses. That’s why it uses  its bumpy hard upper shell to blend into the rocky ocean floor. Sometimes it adorns its shell with sponges and other sea creatures to create a perfect camouflage.(source)

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Picture 20 Odd-looking Creatures That Probably You Have Never Seen Before
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