25 Interesting facts about the making of the movie “Titanic” that you didn’t know

by Unbelievable Facts8 years ago

21 Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio was so popular that 7% of American teen girls had seen it twice within five weeks. The phenomenon of girls repeatedly watching the film was nicknamed “Leo-Mania”.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Image Source: Giphy

That angelic face does not require an explanation, does it?(source)


22 This is the first movie that saw two different actors getting nominated for Academy awards, for playing the same role. Kate Winslet and Gloria Stuart were nominated (Best actress and Best Supporting actress respectively) for the role of Rose.

Image Source: www.obscurelyfamous.net

Titanic was the first movie to receive two Academy Award nominations for the same character (Rose played by Kate Winslet & Gloria Stuart).(source)

23 Most of the Ocean that the Extras were jumping into was a big 3 feet deep pool!

3 feet pool
Image Source: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com
24 James Cameron in his pitch to the 20th Century Fox described it as Romeo and Juliet on Titanic and the 20th Century Fox promptly came on board to fund the movie.

Image Source: wikia.com

James Cameron did not go into a detailed pitch, he just said that Titanic is the story of Romeo and Juliet aboard a doomed ship, 20th-century fox did not want to lose Cameron so they agreed to fund the movie. (source)

25 In the original script, Cal was supposed to find Rose in the Carpathia. Rose was supposed to tell him to let her mother know that she perished in the sinking of the ship and that he would leave her alone for the rest of her life.

Cal & Rose
Image Source: Giphy

James Cameron had envisioned a different ending to the movie but the paucity of time and budget forced him to alter the script.(source)

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Picture 25 Interesting facts about the making of the movie “Titanic” that you didn’t know
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