12 Animals We Have Driven To Extinction

by Judy mboroki9 years ago

7 Pyrenean Ibex

Young Spanish Ibex
Young Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), Sierra de Gredos, Spain. Image Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

The Pyrenean ibex was declared extinct in 2000. It’s a form of wild mountain goat. The last of its species, Celia, was killed by a falling tree on Jan 6, 2000, in Northern Spain. Scientist preserved skin cells from the animal’s ear and preserved them in liquid nitrogen. In 2009, they cloned it but the clone died few minutes later due to physical defects in its lungs. (Source)

8 The Caribbean Monk Seal

caribbean monk seal
Image Source: en.wikipedia.org

Its last sighting was in 1952 and its extinction was due to hunting. Sailors, fishermen and explorers targeted the species for its meat, fur hides and oil. They were also captured for display in zoos and museums. The animals were non aggressive and therefore easy to approach. (Source)

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9 Baiji River Dolphin

Baiji River Dolphin
Image Source: news.nationalgeographic.com

Local fishermen regarded the Baiji as the goddess of protection. A recent search for the Baiji failed to find any and this led scientists to declare the animal extinct. Its extinction is attributed to dam-building, overfishing, ship collisions and environmental degradation. (Source)


10 The Tecopa Pupfish

tecopa pupfish
Image Source: www.archive.org

The species is a native of the Mojave Desert, Inyo County California. The Tecopa pupfish subspecies was originally only found in the outflows of the North and South Tecopa Hot Springs. Its extinction is due to the agricultural and recreational developments in the Tecopa Hot Springs and neighboring lands. (Source)

11 Holdridgei toad

Holdridgei toad
Image Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

It was common in the Costa Rica rain forests but was declared extinct in 2008. The animal has not been spotted since 1986 and extensive surveys and searches from 2000 to 2007 did not find any remaining species. Its extinction is due to an amphibian disease known as chytridiomycosis and climate changes. (Source)

12 Sea Mink

sea mink
Image Source: www.nysm.nysed.gov

The sea mink could once be found along the coast of Maines and New Brunswick. Its extinction is estimated to have happened around 1860 where it was hunted to extinction for its fur. (Source)

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